Hi all,

My name is Pete and I manage/promote a fantastic Surrey, UK based band called
{satellite-state} that play uplifting and moving tunes in the mould of Athlete, U2, Kent, Doves etc..

Listen/look @

Our debut EP was released last month and it can be ordered @ http://www.play.com/Music/MP3-Downlo...e/Product.html

'Shimmering melodies, strong vocals and exquisite songwriting skills put them in the glare of the UK media' - Suite101.com

'Given one word to describe this EP I would plump for beautiful, this is beautiful pop music with a dark edge that will see that repeat function on your iPod used' - Mouthy Music Mayhem

'Brilliant' - BBC Radio One

‘This is sheer beauty in music form’ – Unsigned Magazine

'From moody atmospheric depths to majestic guitars, this relaxing masterpiece shows endless potential' - Music Mog.com

’Sweeping, melodic and intelligent pop' - Godisinthetvzine.co.uk

'The wall of sound produced by the band is amazing, the music shimmers blissfully and is elegantly understated’ - Viaonation.co.uk

Live dates:
Sat 26 Jul: GUILDFORD - Boileroom
Fri, 1 Aug: OXFORD - Jericho Tavern
Sat, 2 Aug: LONDON - Water Rats, Kings Cross
Fri, 8 Aug - REDHILL - Redfest
Sat, 20 Sept: ALDERSHOT - West End Centre


Pete xxx