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Ämne: Tigerdrottningen & La Belle Epoque

  1. #181
    Erfaren medlem Oktjabrjs avatar
    Feb 2005
    I'm in heaven!
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    Citat Ursprungligen postat av Barndomsvän Visa inlägg
    Personally, I would not put "and" in the phrase "Before the sky falls down and you are all I have" and the other corresponding one and simply change it to 'Before the sky falls down, you are all I have' and the other one to 'Before the sky falls down, I am all you have' because the 'and' does not match the significance of that line. Also, I'd change "deadened" to dulled or benumbed, for a more appropriate translation. Though that is of less concern, really.
    Errm, there is no "and" in the Swedish version but a "so", which I guess could be translated to "then". The word "so" in this position is just common in speach but does not add any meaning. "Deadened" fits feelings according to the web dictionary, but maybe "blunted" is more correct here, when the subject is actions or activities and our views of them.
    Senast redigerat av Oktjabrj den 2014-05-04 klockan 00:37.

  2. #182


    Citat Ursprungligen postat av Oktjabrj Visa inlägg
    Errm, there is no "and" in the Swedish version but a "so", which I guess could be translated to "then". The word "so" in this position is just common in speach but does not add any meaning. "Deadened" fits feelings according to the web dictionary, but maybe "blunted" is more correct here, when the subject is actions or activities and our views of them.
    I know, which is why I said leave the "and" out and change it into; Before the sky falls down, you are all I have. Deadened felt out of place in my opinion, benumbed is more appropriate.

  3. #183


    Took the liberty of attempting to translate "Var är vi nu?" for all of our non-swedish speaking friends. I haven't followed the thread before and if it's already been dealt with or if someone felt that they necessarily wanted to do it, I apologize. Feel free to add/make suggestions or straight up correct me.

    I saw you dance on the porch
    by your best friend's parents summer house
    While drunk, we drifted across the bay
    Long nights, short days
    When synapses extinguish like lights
    Only repetitiveness can kill us now
    Like thin strings we extend

    So where are we now?
    And where are we now today?
    Does anyone here see a way back?
    What you mean to me
    What I mean to you
    What we mean to each other

    You wake up
    Your youth has vanished
    In the mirror you look like shit
    And everything that once was so simple
    Has become so difficult
    As always, music is my refuge
    The only place where I am myself
    A place with simple, unwavering rules
    Where the grand dreams are law

    So where are we now?
    And where are we now today?
    Does anyone here see a way back?
    What you mean to me
    What I mean to you
    Does anyone here know?

    So where are we now?...
    And where are we now today?...
    And where are we now today?...
    So where are we now?...
    And where are we now today?...
    And where are we now today?...

    I realize now how difficult it is to give the lyrics justifiable translations without ruining that special feeling they convey.
    Edit: Thanks to Oktjabrj for valid corrections.
    Senast redigerat av Barndomsvän den 2014-05-04 klockan 01:23.

  4. #184
    Erfaren medlem Oktjabrjs avatar
    Feb 2005
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    Citat Ursprungligen postat av Barndomsvän Visa inlägg
    Took the liberty of attempting to translate "Var är vi nu?" for all of our non-swedish speaking friends. I haven't followed the thread before and if it's already been dealt with or if someone felt that they necessarily wanted to do it, I apologize. Feel free to add/make suggestions or straight up correct me.
    Two suggestions:

    "While drunk, we drifted across the bay"

    "In the mirror you look like shit"

  5. #185


    Citat Ursprungligen postat av Oktjabrj Visa inlägg
    Two suggestions:

    "While drunk, we drifted across the bay"

    "In the mirror you look like shit"
    Can definitely agree with the former. But is it okay if I add the second suggestion as a compliment to the other, because I'm quite comfortable with "reflection" in this scenario, so that others can give their input on which they prefer?

  6. #186
    Erfaren medlem Oktjabrjs avatar
    Feb 2005
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    Citat Ursprungligen postat av Barndomsvän Visa inlägg
    Can definitely agree with the former. But is it okay if I add the second suggestion as a compliment to the other, because I'm quite comfortable with "reflection" in this scenario, so that others can give their input on which they prefer?
    Yes, could be, I think "my reflection" sounds strange in English. Think of these lyrics:
    Well, I caught my eye in the mirror
    And gave it a long and loving inspection
    "There stands some kind of man", I roared
    And there did, in the reflection
    (from Nick Cave, O'Malley's bar)

  7. #187


    Citat Ursprungligen postat av Oktjabrj Visa inlägg
    Yes, could be, I think "my reflection" sounds strange in English. Think of these lyrics:
    Well, I caught my eye in the mirror
    And gave it a long and loving inspection
    "There stands some kind of man", I roared
    And there did, in the reflection
    (from Nick Cave, O'Malley's bar)
    Fair enough, I'll make the correction.

  8. #188
    Medlem stjärnors avatar
    Sep 2007
    glasgow, scotland
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    Morning guys! Thanks Barndomsvän and Oktjabrj for your help, I have removed the 'and's that you suggested, and changed 'deadened' to blunted (that line I struggled to find a good translation for) I didn't use benumbed, simply because it's too uncommon a word in english.

    Also, thanks for your translation of Var är vi nu, which I haven't read (sorry), simply because I will also translate it myself (and I want to do it with no influence in my choice of words)- I use lyrics translation (and Jocke's forum posts) as homework to myself to keep the swedish fresh in my brain! I will, however look at it once I have done my version. No harm in having 2 versions.

    We do use 'my reflection' in english, so it's not an unacceptable/ unused phrase (but I can't say in the context of the song if it works or not yet). For example "I saw my reflection in the water" or "My reflection stared back at me" but depending on the context maybe you would need to use some sort of 'setting or location' to make sure it was clear "I stood by the lake and saw my reflection in the water" or "In the old, cracked mirror one hundred versions of my reflection stared back at me".
    (that one came out more poetic than it was in my head, clearly all this lyric reading is making me think differently!)

    Hope that helps explain. Just wanted to quickly post before I go to work and thank you guys. I'll hopefully have more translations tonight
    Senast redigerat av stjärnor den 2014-05-04 klockan 08:18.

  9. #189
    Nybörjare boones avatar
    Aug 2007
    South Carolina, U.S.


    Citat Ursprungligen postat av stjärnor Visa inlägg
    boone, not sure if this much help- but Tigerdrottningen is showing up at Amazon US for pre-release on May 13th. And as much as I normally LOVE Amazon, just be aware that my order (which was pre-release) is delayed.
    Thanks! I will keep an eye on that. In the past, I have had the same ordering experience you described, where Amazon will say it's released on a certain day, then that day passes and they postpone the release date over and over again. Maybe I will have good luck this time.

    Still, it is 2014 and I don't understand why they can't just make the album available on iTunes or Spotify worldwide on the same day.

  10. #190
    Medlem stjärnors avatar
    Sep 2007
    glasgow, scotland
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    Here is my version of Var är vi nu. It will be interesting looking up at barndonvän's version and seeing where we differ!
    Regarding the 'reflection' thing - 'Your reflection' would have worked ok in the context here, (certainly to a native english speaker, that may be because of familiarity with the shortened version on the phrase though) but I added 'in the mirror' just for clarity anyway.

    And there doesn't seem to be a direct link to the lyrics for Var är vi nu at in the side bar with the rest of the songs, but a quick google found me: and if anyone is looking for the original lyrics pages at it's best to find them from the home page, as all the links (to the new songs) in the sidebar don't appear on every page. It might just be taking the site a few days to index all the new page updates...?

    Var är vi nu- Where are we now

    I see you dance on the veranda
    by your best friends' parent's summer house
    We glided drunk over the bay
    in a stolen boat

    Long nights, short days
    Where synapses are switched off like lights
    Only repetition can kill us
    Like thin threads which are stretched out

    So where are we now
    So where are we now today
    Is there anyone here who sees a way back
    What you mean to me
    What I mean to you
    What we mean to each other

    You wake up, your youth has gone
    Your reflection in the mirror looks like shit
    And everything which was so simple before
    has become so difficult

    As always, I escape to the music
    The only place where I am myself
    A place with simple straight rules
    Where those great dreams are law

    So where are we now
    So where are we now today
    Is there anyone here who sees a way back
    What you mean to me
    What I mean to you
    Is there anyone here who knows

  11. #191
    Medlem stjärnors avatar
    Sep 2007
    glasgow, scotland
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    I think this is the last song translation from the album, doing them out of track order hasn't helped things!
    Anyway, I need to thank D & ET on twitter, and DanielO, Oktjabrj & barndomsvän on this thread for helping me perfect these translations. Your time & 'swedish lessons' were much appreciated!

    Svart snö - Black snow

    When it feels like you have waited since you were a child
    For something to happen, for close contact of some sort
    When it feels as if you did everything, said everything but got no answers
    When it feels as if your best isn't good enough
    When the dams break and you hold back a flood
    When reality shakes and black snow flows in your blood
    They say: Everything will be better for time heals all wounds
    It is political propaganda from the iron curtain
    If you feel like I do, put your hands in the air

    There are more than you & I
    Who have lost something we love in the fire
    More than you & I
    Who dance for ourselves in the dark
    As if there was no tomorrow
    I don't want to be alone
    But who wants to be alone

    And this is no nightmare, this is no phase
    This is something which happens every single day
    It feels as if we awoke suddenly in some sort of twilight
    We are the living dead, stumbling forward hand in hand
    And everyone here wants to lead
    But we follow blindly anyway
    In the light from small screens fear slowly creeps in
    Over the streets and squares when the shops have closed
    Up the walls, through the windows and down in our beds
    If you feel like I do, put your hands in the air

    There are more than you & I
    Who have lost something we love in the fire
    More than you & I
    Who dance for ourselves in the dark
    As if there was no tomorrow...

    They say love is a drug, I take any shit whatsoever
    But if love is a drug, it is not the drug for me
    You know how I feel, yes, I feel like you
    I love your money, your money loves me
    I love your money, who doesn't want to be rich?
    I want to travel and see the world, who wants an ordinary life?
    But I just love the money because money makes me free
    Take me to the chorus now
    Oh, do you recognise yourself?

    There are more than you & I
    Who have lost something we love in the fire
    More than you & I
    Who dance for ourselves in the dark
    As if there was no tomorrow
    I don't want to be alone
    But who wants to be alone
    Senast redigerat av stjärnor den 2014-05-05 klockan 06:35. Anledning: Fixing!

  12. #192
    Medlem DanielOlins avatar
    Apr 2012


    Citat Ursprungligen postat av stjärnor Visa inlägg
    Svarta snö - Black snow

    And everyone here wants directions
    The line is

    'Och alla här vill leda'

    which means

    'And everyone here wants to lead'

    Don't know if you misheard or misread the line, but 'directions' is not correct.

    Other than that - my compliments on your language skills!

  13. #193
    Medlem stjärnors avatar
    Sep 2007
    glasgow, scotland
    1 385


    I think I originally translated it as 'everyone wants to be led' and went back and on my re-read through I tidied up some words/ phrases and changed that to directions. A silly mistake- twice!
    Thanks again

  14. #194
    May 2012


    Liking the translations, seems to have a tinge of the sort of a twilight of the innocents to some degree. Very cool anyway!

  15. #195
    Oct 2011
    Glasgow, United Kingdom, United Kingdom


    Sorry if I interrupt your translations... But i just want to stress the fact i have been having TG in the car since Monday last week and I cannot stop listening to it. That's it
    Roll on Saturday!!! I cannot possibly wait.
    Not sure about the pink t-shirt... i was kind of expecting that would have been the colour but hey! I will just have to buy it and wear it

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