Oh also I would like to mention I found my child singing to Ingenting last night. Well just the "ingenting" parts at least. She actually likes the video...
bygg något vackert som krossar allt
Nothing ever works for everybody! Not even chocolate... But I'm more than chuffed with the song itself - and I'd rather love the song and not like the video than vice versa, obviously. And the song is immense so I am a very happy bunny. I wouldn't care if the video was a black screen so long as I can hear the track!
You ve got a point there ;-)
Btw in Kent/Sony Ericsson youtube channel
a video named Kent - Ingenting (Version II)
appeared but when I put both videos play together
I didnt find any differences
Perhaps they wanted to put a different video of Ingenting
(totally new or slightly different)
but the uploaded the same one?Who knows.
ett perfekt substitut
maybe it's a subliminal thing. like there's more flashes than before. or it focuses more on that gorilla than before. (so kidding)
I want to make my own video to this song. And I would if I had a camcorder and the patience to do so. I'd play the song at a senior citizens center and let them get down. It'd be more entertaining.
bygg något vackert som krossar allt
Now that would be some kinda energy. At least we could get a chuckle out of it. I'd want to see them attempt to breakdance or something, that could be pretty rad.
I played the video at a CompUSA earlier this week on an iBook, damn I wish I could afford one of those, they're supersweet. I can't believe they actually had broadband speed there too.
Sju sjösjuka sjömän sköttes av sjuttisju sköna sjuksköterskor på det sjunkande skeppet Shanghai.
Absolutely brilliant. I cannot wait for the album now.
I'm not a fan of the remixes though, but I don't think there are remixes I do like, lol.
I do think that this line in the translation is wrong:
And under siege I can shoot myself out
It should be:
And under siege I can shoot you out
In "Och under belägring kan jag skjuta dig ut" the "dig" is you, whereas "mig" would be "myself."
Senast redigerat av ethan den 2007-09-22 klockan 01:37.
Version 2 is more black yes and version 2 seems to be 2 seconds longer than version 1 but it just seems to be 2 seconds of black screen in the end. Other than that it just seems like the scene with Sami and Markus and the waterdrops is more zoomed in than in version 2?
That last line is a tricky one. Jocke actually twists the concepts around. He doesn't sing about a commercial brake, but a sport brake. I can't come up with an exact translation for "rycker vi till", but the essence of the line would be this:
We are surprised
the commercials are interrupted by sport
Låt dom komma nu
I would also say "On Hagnesta Hill" and not "in" simply so that it makes sense in English. There are a few other cases like this in the translation. You don't always want to give an exact translation per se.
Also, I would translate "jävlarna" more like "damned" or something. Of course, translating curse words into different languages is rather ineffective. Your translation still gives the same connotation.
utomjording, thanks for the bit on the last line of the first block! That was confusing me so much, lol. I knew what it meant, but the meaning of the sentence was hard to convey in English.
So, it looks like I am the only one who does no like it then...
Usually I like their singles but this is a big disappointment for me, too electronic for my liking.
Oh well, hope the album will lift my spirits up a bit...
Som om Jag bryr mig