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Ämne: Worst Interview Ever Given That're On Youtube

  1. #1

    Standard Worst Interview Ever Given That're On Youtube

    Sometimes, musicians don't exactly give good interviews, and you may not know much about the artist but you feel like kicking them out of their chair and answering the question in the time that it takes the to say So here are some of the worse interviews I've seen and I haven't watched many, I like all these bands but it's still pretty funny. They're all in English:

    -Sigur Ros, I think they give normal interviews, but here, WTF? I feel bad for the three guys in the band cos of the lead singer, what he says in the end is kinda funny though:

    -Avril Lavigne, she also gives normal interviews but this British guy's sense of humour seems beyond her IQ, watch for the eye rolls and how she looks over to her management:
    it's even funnier cos these people started analyzing it:

    -Kent interview, I don't blame them as much as I do the retarded questions the reporter's asking, also I think it's right before they perform so maybe some nervous jitters or something.

    -Arctic Monkeys, people expect too much of them, they're all shy and are never say typical rock and roll things, this interview's more dead than roadkill:

    -Babyshambles, sad thing is that this isn't even their worse interview, the interviewers are morons for not letting them talk:

    Feel free to post some more that're in English

    Haha, I accidentally forgot the n at then end of the word given in the title, oh well, can't change it now.
    Senast redigerat av SportfreundeFCkeane den 2007-10-13 klockan 13:19.

  2. #2
    Dec 2004
    , , .


    Nice thread but the links to Kent and Babyshambles are the same as the link to Avril Lavigne. So, like, if you`d change them we`d get to see the other ones as well. I think I already know the Kent one. They still come off sympathetic though. It just seams as if they`re, well... Unhappy.

  3. #3


    Oops, ok, I changed it, dunno how that happened.

  4. #4
    Moderator utomjordings avatar
    Dec 2002
    34 881


    I don't think the Kent interview from Roskilde is so bad. I read an interview with an actor recently where the actor just said "I don't give a fuck" and "I hate doing interviews" and "I'm fed up with talking about what I do, can't we talk about something else?". Reporter: What do you want to talk about? Actor: Nothing really. I just want to sit quietly.

    Now that's a bad interview. But sure, I think it's common that people being interviewed aren't pleased with their appearance. You think you look cool and give good answers, but when you get to see it on tv you just think: "Who's that monkey?"

    (Btw, I inserted the n in the title. I also changed worse to worst.)
    Senast redigerat av utomjording den 2007-10-14 klockan 01:43.
    Låt dom komma nu

  5. #5


    For me, they're just something to laugh at. I guess they get fed up or whatever but it's not that hard to answer stuff straight forward. The interviewer probably has a lot to do with it though.

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