Depeche Mode - Enjoy The Silence
I've been shuffling a lot between Louis XIV's new album, The Motorhomes and Paus.
bygg något vackert som krossar allt
How'd you get Paus' album? I've been trying to basically get it that certain way but looks like I'll have to buy it eventually overpriced. Peter Svensson's got a nice voice. How many songs does Jocke sing on it anyways?
btw, I was thinking and I'm unsure if The Cardigans are ever gonna make another album cos their last one was in 2005 and they're all still doing solo stuff.
Mary / Lisa Miskovsky
reward me now..
kent / min värld
reward me now..
^ I like the Noll better.
Blur - Modern Life Is Rubbish
Markovic- Makebeliver
Amazing song!
The Perishers - Victorious
This bands Swedish, just heard of them, they sound good.
Why didn't one of yous tell me about them earlier, I can't rely on my pop/rap loving friends too
Senast redigerat av SportfreundeFCkeane den 2008-02-20 klockan 03:38.