Divamee - Lalelu *again and again*
Divamee - Lalelu *again and again*
History knows no conjunctive!
OWC is a bit overrated methinks while Flen/Paris is underrated.
Fiona Apple - Never Is A Promise
Ah Fiona Apple...such a good artist.
What Kind Of Beast Am I? - Spiral Beach
(Glad nobody else is home...this is one of those songs you belt out and dance around in your knickers to. ^^)
"I was going to kill myself but I couldn't find the right CD."
Visst känns det som att [[[kärleken väntar]]]
Ashbury Heights - Corsair
History knows no conjunctive!
Kristofer Åström - Without Your Love
History knows no conjunctive!
Scorpions - Wind of Change
(such one is blowing for me now too!)
History knows no conjunctive!
System Of A Down - U-Fig(what a crazy song)
November rain (Guns and roses). i´m just having that melancholic mood