The faster live version of Dom Andra was great, more guitars and more balls!
The faster live version of Dom Andra was great, more guitars and more balls!
I've read so..
(mimmi77 med ny tillfällig profil)
Are they better live now then 2005?
(mimmi77 med ny tillfällig profil)
ooohh, that's a hard one, they did have an extra guitarist to replace Harry, they are touring with TTS so some of the songs from albums past have to make room for the new stuff. So I suppose that would be an excuse.
That said, I would love to have heard Klåparen, Spökstad and M, and they were played on the last tour. Sadly missed, secretly hoping to hear at least one of them tomorrow.
Edit - I should have said that Klåparen and M were played on the last tour, not Spökstad, would love to hear it live though.
I can emagine that it's a magic moment live, to hear Spökstad.
Skriver du på svenska med eller?
(mimmi77 med ny tillfällig profil)
Svenska, I can understand it when someone talks to me, I can even speak some myself, but writing it is where I fall flat on my arse! I never get the spelling right!
(mimmi77 med ny tillfällig profil)
I'm here! And as always, I hate my job, I'm tired and bored. So really nothing new to tell!
Livet är mänskans bästa tid