In addition to my Kent tattoo, I had a friend of mine do a painting based off of Du & Jag Doden, Verkligen and The Hjarta & Smarta EP.
Here they are:
In addition to my Kent tattoo, I had a friend of mine do a painting based off of Du & Jag Doden, Verkligen and The Hjarta & Smarta EP.
Here they are:
Damn that painting rocks. Cool tat, too.
bygg något vackert som krossar allt
My artist friend is pretty proud of it even though she is not a Kent fan herself. Still trying to convert her
It's pretty big too. 4 ft by 3 ft.
Got it on display in my office at work.
I Want My Whole Wall Painted Like That!
bygg något vackert som krossar allt
Really nice painting
Jag är rädd att man glömmer, glömmer allt
Som vi glömde att vi älskade varandra . .
another angle with the actual lighting without the flash...
Jag har gärna grytet i sandjord.
Creds till sundance_danneMin wombat är närsynt.
Det finns hål i allting, det är där lite ljus kommer in.
I am now attending art school...( well for graphic arts) My second project was a drawing of Jocke
I also had to do a cross over album cover for a band if they was going to do a different kind of music. I chose kent doing country music, it was quite amusing. I love that painting... I wish I was a fine artist but I can't paint for my life.
reward me now..
ok, so all of my kent buddies wanted me to post my comic i made for school of kent. it's not intended for sale or profit.
reward me now..