Jocke last night..
In Swedish - Hi everyone, i'm really happy to be playing here in Sundsvall tonight...Instead of watching bloody Schlagerfest.
Then in English - What The Fuck!
Haha, had me chuckling!
Jocke last night..
In Swedish - Hi everyone, i'm really happy to be playing here in Sundsvall tonight...Instead of watching bloody Schlagerfest.
Then in English - What The Fuck!
Haha, had me chuckling!
Keane pretending to hire a badger to produce their next album, he's even smokin a pipe haha
A few quotes from the german website ”studiVZ” (student register):
~ Alkohol macht dumm und gleichgültig!Raff ich nich,mir auch egal
(Alcohol makes you dumb and apathetically! I don’t understand, I don’t care!)
~ Komm auf die Dunkle Seite - Wir haben Kekse!
(Come to the dark side - the have cookies!)
~ Wir trinken Bier nur an Tagen die mit ’g’ enden. Und Mittwochs.
(...translation not really possible to keep a sense...)
~ Fick mich wenn ich mich irre, aber kennen wir uns???
(Fuck me if I’m wrong, but do we know us???)
~ In meinem Kopf hat es gerade noch Sinn gemacht
(In my head it just made sense)
~ Komische Party...Alles sitzt, Kein Alkohol? -SCHEISSE! VORLESUNG!
(Strange party... everybodys sitting, no alcohol? - DAMN IT! LECTURE!)
~ Hier - eine Tüte, verschüttet
(Here - a bag mercy... oops, overwhelmed)
~ Kannste dich bitte woanders hinstellen und da scheiße aussehen?
(Could you please go somewhere else and look like shit?)
~ Ja ich bin unglaublich! Mach den mund zu!
(Yes, I’m unbelievable! Close your mouth!)
~ Richtige Männer drücken uns beim Küssen gegen die Wand!
(Real men push us against the wall to kiss us!)
~ Darf ich mal bitte vorbei?! Das geht nach Kompetenz... Danke!
(May I pass you?! This runs after authority... Thanks!)
~ Ohne Orientierungssinn sieht man viel mehr von der Welt!
(Without sense of orientation you can see much more of the world!)
~ Sei bitte einmal ruhig,ich hab keine Zeit dich zu ignorieren.
(Be quiet please, I have no time to ignore you.)
~ Du siehst so aus als könnte ich einen Drink vertragen!
(You look as I could need a drink!)
~ Jeder hat das Recht hässlich zu sein, aber du übertreibst!
(Everybody has the right to be ugly, but you overdo it!)
~ Ich bin nicht schüchtern, ich will wirklich nicht mit dir reden!
(I’m not shy, I really don’t want to talk with you!)
~ Lass mich Arzt, ich bin durch!
(...translation not really possible to keep a sense...)
~ nehmt mir mein handy weg, wenn ich betrunken bin!
(take away my mobile phone when I’m drunken!)
~ ich bin nicht klein, ich bin platzsparend
(I’m not small, I’m space-saving)
~ Ich beschimpfe Dinge, wenn sie nicht das tun was ich will!
(I abuse things, if they don’t do what I want!)
~ Komm nackt und bring Bier mit...
(Come naked and bring beer with you...)
~ Wir tragen schwarz und haben trotzdem spaß im Leben
(We wear black and have fun anyway)
~ Es ist Zeit schreiend im Kreis zu laufen.
(It’s time to run screaming in a circle.)
~ Geh und spiel mit was giftigem!
(Go and play with something toxic!)
~ Unfreundlich? ICH nenn’ das ehrlich und direkt!
(Unfriendly? I call it honest and straight!)
~ Auf dem Tisch steht ’ne Packung ”Leck mich am Arsch!” - bedien’ dich!
(On the table is a pack of ”Sod you!” - help yourself!)
~ Hilfe! Wenn ich mich ausziehe, bin ich nackt!
(Help! When I undress me, I’m naked!)
~ Wer bin ich? Und wenn ja: wie viele?
(Who am I? And if so: how many?)
~ Kalorien sind kleine Tiere die Nachts die Kleidung enger nähen.
(Calories are little animals, that sew the clothes smaller at night.)
History knows no conjunctive!
R Kelly never quits. Trapped In The Closet Chapter 10 Trapped In The Closet Chapter 11
HILARIOUS! Kent should do something like this.
Oh and there's like 22 chapters of this madness.
bygg något vackert som krossar allt
Hahahahaahahahaahhahahhaahhha TENTENTENTENTENTEN
bygg något vackert som krossar allt
hehe - I suppose in the strictist sense, this was the last thing that made me giggle :
"~ Kalorien sind kleine Tiere die Nachts die Kleidung enger nähen.
(Calories are little animals, that sew the clothes smaller at night.)"
Simply for it being so clever, but other than that... Oh dear I've been viciously sick for the best 5 days so I haven't had much to laugh about...Oh wait - yesterday my boyfriend brought over a movie and we watched it in bed. It was called "The Saddest Music In The World". Absoltuly bizzare - but it had a few absurd lines that made me snicker (and then grab my ribs and mutter "ow ow ow ow..." )
"I was going to kill myself but I couldn't find the right CD."
Visst känns det som att [[[kärleken väntar]]]
bygg något vackert som krossar allt
I don't know if someone already posted this link, but it makes me laugh every time I see it
We Finns sure know how to express ourselves.
Up in the Ass of Timo!
O_O Apparently Jay-Z and Kanye West are freemasons...there's youtube videos on it. But if you want a real laugh from somewhat extreme Christian groups then watch this documentary (They Sold Their Soul For Rock)
They diss on everyone from Metallica and U2 to Joni Mitchell. Yes Joni effin Mitchell lol. But sadly I do belive them in some of it, some of it's probably true even if the rest is taken out of context.
I have an Australian friend who is married to a Finnish guy called Timo. Last November she came to see a gig with me and some of my friends. We had drinks in a pub before the gig and I was talking about this clip (in Finnish), ended up saying "up in the ass of Timo." My Australian friend just looked at me, I'd like to know what she was thinking at that moment. I had to send her the link later to explain the whole thingy![]()
(and i know this shouldn't have made me laugh) My boyfriend falling down the stairs, standing up and walking into the kitchen like nothing at all had happened at all. He didn't know I was in the living room and that I could see him the whole time...
Edit : Alright so I just watched that "Up in the ass of Timo" clip and that defiantly trumps Daniels pain any day.
Senast redigerat av ИНА AK-47 den 2008-04-13 klockan 20:58.
"I was going to kill myself but I couldn't find the right CD."
Visst känns det som att [[[kärleken väntar]]]