For awhile now... I've noticed something about the song Spökstad and how it's translated and it's always bugged me. I never thought to ask anyone until now.
Okay here are the lyrics I just copied and pasted off the official website:
En dröm för dej, en dröm för oss som längtar
efter nån som håller om oss hårt
En lögn för mej, en lögn för oss som väntar
på svaret som ni aldrig kommer få
Tror du att kärlek är som sångerna vi hör?
And these are the translations I've seen on the web (including the old UK site and . They all have the same translation:
A dream for you, a dream for those who are longing
for someone to hold their arms around us tightly
A dream for me, a lie for us who are waiting
for the answer that you'll never get
Do you think love is like the songs we hear?
PLEASE tell me why "lögn" is translated to "dream". I asked my friend and he said sometimes in translation words are changed to sound better. That doesn't make any sense to me in this case because "lie" would sound just as good.
Bleh. Enlighten me, please.