Today I'm stuck at home - first day off in 4 days (I work as a sous-chef, so after standing collectivly for about 24 hours, its nice to be lazing about.) but the crap thing is : I never see anyone because I'm at work all the time, but now that I'm finally not at work, everyone I'd like to see in engaged or toiling away at their own jobs! Even my boyfriend doesn't get home untill 22h!...I'm thinking of baking a Russian honey-cake and climbing up to the roof of the flat and reading in the sunshine while it bakes. When its done, I'll make a lasange, garlic bread and a big salad, all the while absolutly BLARING kent...we'll have a late ahh...(I just wish he didn't hate kent. There are some songs that just inspire naughtiness!) Zut!
demain : work. x_X