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Ämne: Four Symbols

  1. #16


    ingenting could be the horsy chess figure or the bird... i think so because of the the horse in the video and because its the album opener and because of the birds in the video. dunno.
    the kind of knight-ish kingdom-ish sign could before "vy fran ett luftslott" or "berlin"?
    the international toilet sign could be for generation ex?
    the bird "columbus"? or the horse? eller eller...i dont know...a bit weird.

    maybe i am talking total nonsense.. allthough the songs i named are also having the good length for a single.

  2. #17
    Medlem stjärnors avatar
    Sep 2007
    glasgow, scotland
    1 385


    [QUOTE=sophiascalpel;89160]ingenting could be the horsy chess figure or the bird... i think so because of the the horse in the video and because its the album opener and because of the birds in the video. QUOTE]

    ooooh, I like the horse/ ingenting reference! I hadn't thought to look back to the video, I was trying to study the lyrics.

    thanks sophia!

  3. #18
    Erfaren medlem
    May 2007
    2 130


    Citat Ursprungligen postat av stjärnor Visa inlägg
    I was wondering if they were a clue to the 4 singles that will be realeased of the album. (assuming that there will be 4). I can't think what the other 3 mean (and which would relate to Ingenting), but this line from Berlin ties in with the fleur de lis symbol...

    "En Fleur de lise i guld på svart bredvid ditt namn "

    just a theory. and as frippe said, there's usually a kent 'reason' behind these things!
    I'm not saying your theory is either right or wrong, but if my memories of the concert are correct there were actually birds flying around on the screen behind the band during the concert I was at (Stockholm, 19/11).

  4. #19
    Medlem frippe99s avatar
    Mar 2004
    Stockholm, , Sweden.
    1 596


    I have thouht of that possibility too, they usually only release three singles per album though but who knows...

    Citat Ursprungligen postat av stjärnor Visa inlägg
    I was wondering if they were a clue to the 4 singles that will be realeased of the album. (assuming that there will be 4). I can't think what the other 3 mean (and which would relate to Ingenting), but this line from Berlin ties in with the fleur de lis symbol...

    "En Fleur de lise i guld på svart bredvid ditt namn "

    just a theory. and as frippe said, there's usually a kent 'reason' behind these things!

  5. #20
    Medlem candersons avatar
    Nov 2005
    Albuquerque, New Mexico USA


    So much to think about!!! I know they have fun reading our analyzations.

    If I were in a band, I would love to have such dedicated fans.
    Sju sjösjuka sjömän sköttes av sjuttisju sköna sjuksköterskor på det sjunkande skeppet Shanghai.

  6. #21
    Erfaren medlem
    May 2007
    2 130


    Citat Ursprungligen postat av Rotuhiiri Visa inlägg
    I'm not saying your theory is either right or wrong, but if my memories of the concert are correct there were actually birds flying around on the screen behind the band during the concert I was at (Stockholm, 19/11).
    What I meant to say was that I think the birds were shown on the screen during "Columbus". I left out the most important part of my post.

  7. #22
    Erfaren medlem m@rcos avatar
    Sep 2005
    2 441



    To sum it all up,

    The bird stands for Columbus
    The French Lily stands for Berlin
    The two people holding hands stand for Ingenting
    The chess players horse stands for TTS

    Just guessing.
    Citat Ursprungligen postat av snö Visa inlägg
    vilken rolig spoiler du har! jag tycker om sån't som får mitt nyfikna jag att skratta.

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