I am not here to bash Kent, they are in my top 3, if not favorite band of all time. Introspectively speaking I have seen them decline in quality ever since "You and Me Death". Is that what the album was called? Yes I understand this is all subjective and my own personal opinion. I came across their demos recently and personally think the Socker Demo is even better than the produced version, which was already my favorite song by them. Every album I did not care for, they grew on me. Weapons and Ammo went from being indifferent to one of my favorite albums ever. You and Me Death, I said what is this?!?, but again grew on me, and is phenomenal. The last two albums, sadly never grew on me... And I am a electronica fan, there were definitely some good tunes but overall the albums did not do justice for me. I am not really trying to make a point, but I have been depressed of late and the Socker Demo is one of the few things I love right now. For how long Kent stays together and keeps creating great music, who knows, I just like being there as they keep churning out solid music. They definitely don't get the respect they should since Sweden is the third highest rated music producing country in the world, the only bands that get recognized are the bands that are pushed and marketed to the mainstream in the world. E.G. The Sounds, now granted they use to make great music but their current and last album I don't care for but they are pushed to the mainstream, (their music was in the latest scream movie). Plus it doesn't help that Kent doesn't do English anymore,I know why and respect that. Anyways, sorry for the tangent, I have not posted on this board in years. Well my beer is just about finished, time to go to the bar alone.....