I've had a go at transcribing the lyrics, with a help from a few of the Swedes, as I was struggling to hear/understand a few of the words.
Haven't had a chance to sit and properly translate them, as I'm loaded with the cold right now, and if I'm not sniffing, I'm coughing!
If you want to read them in swedish, head over to
this thread. Hopefully I'll have them translated next week some time. When my brain's fully functional again!
It's a very upbeat sounding song, it seems almost summery to me. I like it. It took a few listens, though. I'll totally be the odd one out here, but I can't hear this as a kent song. Maybe it's Petra's voice, maybe it's the strings, but it doesn't seem like a kent song to me, it's too poppy. Not that poppy is a bad thing, not at all. Just doesn't
'feel' kent-ish. Can't quite explain it.
edit, ooooh 1000 posts. it's only taken me 5 years!