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Ämne: Favourite Lyrics

  1. #1
    May 2012

    Standard Favourite Lyrics

    Sometimes Kent lyrics can get lost in translation, but sometimes the feeling and meaning behind them still comes across without knowing exactly what Jocke sings. So whatever your Swedish level, what lyrics would you pick out as being absolute favourites?

    For me I think at the moment it is the whole of Håll ditt huvud högt.

    How about you, any lines or entire lyrics that stand out to you?

  2. #2
    Medlem stjärnors avatar
    Sep 2007
    glasgow, scotland
    1 385


    I hate to see a thread go unanswered, so, although I'm a wee bit busy at the moment, I'll have to agree with you about Håll ditt huvud högt (amazing song!), and I'll add M to the list of favourite lyrics, as they're very touching and never fail to bring a tear to my eye. The part where Jocke sings "I ditt stora hjärta börjar slagen bli små" usually starts me off

    I'll be back when I think of more....

  3. #3
    Laila Marie-Gigi Andersen


    Citat Ursprungligen postat av .namnlös Visa inlägg
    Sometimes Kent lyrics can get lost in translation, but sometimes the feeling and meaning behind them still comes across without knowing exactly what Jocke sings. So whatever your Swedish level, what lyrics would you pick out as being absolute favourites?

    For me I think at the moment it is the whole of Håll ditt huvud högt.

    How about you, any lines or entire lyrics that stand out to you?

    Where to begin? My absolute favourite is Celsius for personal reasons...
    I love the line "Min hud är vit under mitt armbandsur Därunder tar vintern aldrig slut" in Saker man ser.
    Or Månadens erbjudande.
    I absolutely LOVE the guitar riff that kicks in around 3:11 in Ensam lång väg hem it sends chills down my spine But then where would kent be without Sami's guitar completing the 'sound' that is kent?!
    Another one would be Stoppa mig juni
    Tänd på
    Of course Den döda vinkeln!
    "och är det enklare att hata än att tiden bara går" Tick tack
    "Våldsamt klar smekar jag lätt din hud med tanken" Glider
    they all mean something personal to me on some level.
    I could go on but I'd better stop here for now How about you? Got any other favourites besides Håll ditt huvud högt? Or favourite lines?

  4. #4
    Medlem ericthirdrows avatar
    Feb 2004
    Baton Rouge, , USA.
    1 004


    "M" gets to me... also love some of the English lyrics to 747...

    Silence, like a whisper
    So this is all we need
    The fully air conditioned sound of speed
    "Love is watching someone die.
    So who's going to watch you die?"

  5. #5
    May 2012


    Citat Ursprungligen postat av Laila Marie-Gigi Andersen Visa inlägg
    Where to begin? My absolute favourite is Celsius for personal reasons...
    Citat Ursprungligen postat av Laila Marie-Gigi Andersen Visa inlägg
    I love the line "Min hud är vit under mitt armbandsur Därunder tar vintern aldrig slut" in Saker man ser.
    Or Månadens erbjudande.
    I absolutely LOVE the guitar riff that kicks in around 3:11 in Ensam lång väg hem it sends chills down my spine But then where would kent be without Sami's guitar completing the 'sound' that is kent?!
    Another one would be Stoppa mig juni
    Tänd på
    Of course Den döda vinkeln!
    "och är det enklare att hata än att tiden bara går" Tick tack
    "Våldsamt klar smekar jag lätt din hud med tanken" Glider
    they all mean something personal to me on some level.
    I could go on but I'd better stop here for now How about you? Got any other favourites besides Håll ditt huvud högt? Or favourite lines?

    See Hold Your Head Up High, I kind of now understand most of it as it translates fairly well between English and Swedish.

    I like you could go on for ever, but I'm really into the The Hjärta och Smärta EP at the moment.

    Över axeln ser jag pärlband av blåljus Vår hämnd blir ljuv from Vi mot världen.
    Jag önskar jag var där nu from Flen och Paris

    Jag har inga ord för att vi andas, tänker, känner samma sak
    Känner samma sak
    Känner samma sak, from Det Finns Inga Ord

    and also

    Jag kan höra musiken du gav mig i natt
    Stå still, jag loopar samma takt
    Men det finns nåt där som bara måste bli sagt from Gamla Ullevi

    The thing is, I love this band and I expect it to go away, that I find it boring or something. But the way the songs are made and the little intricacies mean there is so much to come back and find each time. Because I don't understand, the whole thing is an emotional feeling so the words are like an instrument that I can sing to and have no idea what I am saying, I think that is worth pointing out when describing why this band is special to a non Swedish speaker.

    I could easily do a list of moments (musically) when a bit of a song sends chills for me, and they really are numerous. Perhaps we should do some top ten kent song moments lists in another thread! I'll have a think and make one.

  6. #6
    Medlem dumblikeamooses avatar
    Oct 2007
    London, UK


    Har du den där känslan?
    (Vilken menar du?)
    Jag menar den där känslan
    (Av att någonting)
    Avgörande hände när jag var ouppmärksam
    Att någonting försvann
    - JUST LOVE these lines from Passagerare

    Jag är kedjans svagaste länk/men jag håller samman den - Ruta 1

    Känn hur mitt blod viskar sanning om mig
    En snabb kolsvart flod som rusar för dig - Välgärningar & Illdåd (one of my favourite songs!)

    Pretty much all the lyrics of Elefanter, Sjukhus, Stoppa Mig Juni and Romeo återvänder Ensam...

    This is all just off the top of my head, if I sat down and REALLY thought about it I'd be here all day. Kent lyrics are just that good
    Det finns hål i allting, det är där lite ljus kommer in.

  7. #7
    Medlem stjärnors avatar
    Sep 2007
    glasgow, scotland
    1 385


    Wasn't quite sure where to put this, and this thread seemed like a good a place as any...

    Swedish programme Babel and the PSL blog are looking for the best Swedish lyrics written since 2000. You can vote by writing on their facebook page or tweeting with the hashtag #bästamusiklyriken and the name of the band and song you are nominating. The song must be in Swedish and as mentioned before, recorded since the year 2000. Voting is open until Friday 19th April.

    So many great kent songs to pick from, I may end up nominating a few!
    Senast redigerat av stjärnor den 2013-04-15 klockan 19:24.

  8. #8
    Jul 2013


    I dont really like to reduce the feelings to the words,or lyrics.But I really like lyrics of "du är ånga" .I look for cadence of the words,the compatibility with the music.Actually I like kent for that.

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