Hey, so if anyone could upload skogarna to youtube so peeps outside Sweden could hear it that would be amazing and really appreciated... Or does anyone know any other way of hearing it other than Swedish Spotify?
Hey, so if anyone could upload skogarna to youtube so peeps outside Sweden could hear it that would be amazing and really appreciated... Or does anyone know any other way of hearing it other than Swedish Spotify?
I don't know 100% but it looks like that youtube video and the Spotify playlist (except LBE) are not available outside Sweden at this point. Skogarna is in the playlist Kent have made for the pre-release tracks. However it seems you will be able to see the track, but not play it. Temptation waits.
Senast redigerat av .namnlös den 2014-04-25 klockan 18:22.
Are you kidding me?
I've been all hyped up at work and dying to get home to hear this and it's not available in the uk.
Try this one? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MpkA...ature=youtu.be
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Nope, that one doesn't work either. Thanks, though.
That video gives the regional message too. Godhet is also looking like it is unavailable outside Sweden these first few days. Ah well, no ned to fret. A few more days will not hurt.
Senast redigerat av Klåparen82 den 2014-04-26 klockan 00:18.
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Works! Cheers....
Thank you very much, love it.
Regard this as a warning. You can be banned from the forum.
9. We have zero tolerance against every form of discussion concerning pirate copies, regardless of what the law says. This is also applied on downloading, bootlegs etc. We don't discuss Kent's private lives either. This is their own wish, which we of course respect.
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