i love things like this... I've kept roughly the same amount of songs for my setlist. And i've kept your running order on some occasions, I absolutely love that block 'sundance kid' until 'vals för satan' you wrote down
And logically a lot of songs are still missing...
Elephanter (slightly more electronic version, show starts with the typical soundblips of that songs first muffled away in the PA-music, and slowly stronger and stronger)
Skisser för sommaren
Vinternoll 2
Romeo atervander ensam
När Det Blåser På Månen
Sundance kid
Svarta linjer
Jag ser dig
Beredd på allt
Vals för satan
Din enda vän
Musik non stop
Ensammast I Sverige
Den andra sidan
Utan dina andetag / Det finns inga Ord (played together, like they've done the previous tour)
Töntarna (seriously, bring it back to a setlist please, pure energy!!!)
Mannen i den vita hatten