Yeah this subject will forever be debated. Still makes no sense to me why they upload videos on YouTube and disable embedding. Dude, free PR! When I first got on YouTube, there were NO Kent videos. Today there's like sooooo many. That should tell management something. They have fans everywhere.
Same goes for MySpace. Bands realize how popular both sites are and they promote the fuck out of themselves. It's smart.
Now, I'm not saying we fans have a right to upload copyrighted material, but if the management is going to upload the videos themselves to YouTube, why not let us share it by embedding them on our sites. We know where the video comes from. We know it's origin.
bygg något vackert som krossar allt
Yeah, they removed my Kent stuff too. Its a shame, silly that Sony even does this, youtube is a better way/option for people to discover Kent rather than downloading their music from some torrent-site. Booo on Sony.
Jag har blivit äldre, saknar glöd
I actually dont agree with that. They should go after the ones that puts up inofficial videos instead, ie just the song with some slideshow or a picture. Artists make videos for a reason, PR. Also having them on youtube is very contained, its hard to copy and spread, I actually think having things on youtube is helping fight illegal copies getting spread as torrents.
I seriously doubt that anyone else than Kent would benefit from having the video of Musik Non Stop on youtube.
Jag har blivit äldre, saknar glöd
So here's a thought, I filmed the band live on my mobile phone at the gig in Ö-vik last thursday night, I intend putting them on my YouTube account for all Kent fans (and my family) to have a look at.
Although the video is not owned by Sony BMG, it's owned by ME, would I be breaking the rules because the content (songs) are still owned by Sony BMG or Kent?
Personaly I can't see the problem with fans wanting more people to know about their favourite music, I would NEVER have heard of Kent if a former workmate had not sent me a cd with Musik Non Stop on it, and that was in 2001, since then I have went on to buy ALL of Kent's Albums on CD (origionals only) and iv'e now seen them live in Concert 3 times, so they have scored out of iy, no doubt. Plus I spread the Kent word as often as I can, wot's the fucking problem?
Yeah Jimmy,
I don't get it either, the worst that could happen is that nobody is going to buy a KENT cd after seeing a video on a you tube or my space page or whatever. But every cd they sell after someone has seen a video is pure profit. I think it´s an stupid move they made.
I agree about videos, if I see a good song at for an example myspace, it actually can make me buy music from the artist/artists,
(-I don't steal music, but gets interested many times that way to buy)..
How things are now, I think people get sick of it many times.
Internet is a world, but I can't show my favorite musicvideo..I would have payed a small just to get it legal at myspace.
Well, MTV, or who it is, you have the video, but noone sees it...not too often, is that why they made these videos?? To keep them away from fans.
(mimmi77 med ny tillfällig profil)
It must make a bit of difference no matter how small, iv'e read comments on youtube videos, from people who have never heard of Kent and it's like this..."where can I buy their CD's" "What language are they singing in it's beutiful" "does anyone know how many albums they have". Iv'e even replied to them myself in the hope they will go and buy even 1 CD, then I feel iv'e done my bit as a fan and spread the word.
And God knows iv'e rammed Kent down everyone's throats back home, Brought my ex-girlfriend to Stockholm for a gig. I even did a presentation on the Band when doing my Communications Higher! Used 3 Kent videos on my powerpoint, guess where I found them? YouTube!
Spreading the Kent word and educating non-swedes
...well they get what they give at this point..
(mimmi77 med ny tillfällig profil)
And i'll add one more thing, my lecturer asked me a bit more about the band after I had finished, then the following week started talking about tracks i'd never mentioned, when he saw the confused look on my face he then told me he went on-line and bought D&JD Hagnesta Hill, V&A and the Hjärta & Smårta EP from CD WOW that weekend, then asked if I could suggest any other of their CD's to buy. One of the girls in the class bought D&JD, so there is definatly a plus side to it. I could have played certain tracks on a CD player but I think using the videos gave them a far better idea of what Kent are like. (saved me a lot of farting about too)
AAARRRGGGHHHH, your right Luckyguerin13, I had a link from your VinterNoll 2 Video to my Bebo page and the video is no longer available!
You see the problems this is going to cause!