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Ämne: Tillbaka till samtiden

  1. #61
    Erfaren medlem m@rcos avatar
    Sep 2005
    2 441


    Citat Ursprungligen postat av JukkeBerry Visa inlägg
    Love that shot with the girl on the horse. Where was it taken?

    Like the other picture too. Makes me think of Depeche mode.
    Citat Ursprungligen postat av snö Visa inlägg
    vilken rolig spoiler du har! jag tycker om sån't som får mitt nyfikna jag att skratta.

  2. #62
    Medlem luckyguerin13s avatar
    Mar 2006
    DFW, Texas


    In the new group picture, is Jocke bringing Hammer pants back?
    bygg något vackert som krossar allt

  3. #63
    Medlem frippe99s avatar
    Mar 2004
    Stockholm, , Sweden.
    1 596


    Cant help but think the picture looks a bit "worked" unlike Linells previous pictures.. how ever the bridge is Västerbron in Stockholm, the same bridge that figures in the first part of the "Kräm" video.

    Citat Ursprungligen postat av JukkeBerry Visa inlägg
    Love that shot with the girl on the horse. Where was it taken?

  4. #64
    Medlem JukkeBerrys avatar
    Sep 2002
    Monaco di Baviera
    1 444


    Citat Ursprungligen postat av luckyguerin13 Visa inlägg
    In the new group picture, is Jocke bringing Hammer pants back?
    This picture reminds me of the Smashing Pumpkins before they first split up. Then Manager Sharon Osbourne made them dress in black so that they would look "sexy."

  5. #65
    Medlem JukkeBerrys avatar
    Sep 2002
    Monaco di Baviera
    1 444


    Citat Ursprungligen postat av frippe99 Visa inlägg
    Cant help but think the picture looks a bit "worked" unlike Linells previous pictures.. how ever the bridge is Västerbron in Stockholm, the same bridge that figures in the first part of the "Kräm" video.
    I wouldn't be surprised if this isn't the actual cover. There's over a month left to surprise fans... I wonder if that picture was actually shot there or if the girl & horse were digitally added. The girl looks almost as relaxed as the horse even though both could easily go over the wrong side of the hand rail...

  6. #66
    Moderator utomjordings avatar
    Dec 2002
    34 881


    Citat Ursprungligen postat av JukkeBerry Visa inlägg
    I wouldn't be surprised if this isn't the actual cover. There's over a month left to surprise fans... I wonder if that picture was actually shot there or if the girl & horse were digitally added. The girl looks almost as relaxed as the horse even though both could easily go over the wrong side of the hand rail...
    I would be surprised if this isn't the actual cover, because I don't think kent would lie to us. This is what it says on the start page:
    This is the cover that will decorate the coming record "Tillbaka till samtiden".
    Låt dom komma nu

  7. #67
    Medlem luckyguerin13s avatar
    Mar 2006
    DFW, Texas


    Citat Ursprungligen postat av JukkeBerry Visa inlägg
    This picture reminds me of the Smashing Pumpkins before they first split up. Then Manager Sharon Osbourne made them dress in black so that they would look "sexy."
    Don't say that! SP went to shit when they did that! GOD, what I'd do to have them ALL back together and make an album sounding more like Siamese Dream.
    bygg något vackert som krossar allt

  8. #68
    Medlem tricksters avatar
    Jul 2004
    Thessaloniki, Greece.


    I think I like the new cover (I thought the leaves/tree cover was a final one and I didnt like it much)
    The Ingenting cover though is great.I love it!

    Any tracklists?
    ett perfekt substitut

  9. #69
    Medlem luckyguerin13s avatar
    Mar 2006
    DFW, Texas


    Citat Ursprungligen postat av utomjording Visa inlägg
    I would be surprised if this isn't the actual cover, because I don't think kent would lie to us. This is what it says on the start page:
    This is the cover that will decorate the coming record "Tillbaka till samtiden".
    I like the bush/tree one better. I think when I buy the album. I'll tape it onto the girl/horse one so I don't have to look at it.

    I'm so kidding because I don't even play my kent cds. I keep them in a box.
    bygg något vackert som krossar allt

  10. #70
    Medlem sakermansers avatar
    Mar 2003
    Hagnesta Hill


    Hmm, I liked the leaves cover a lot better! Argh.

  11. #71
    Medlem stjärnors avatar
    Sep 2007
    glasgow, scotland
    1 385


    hi all have tillbacka till samitiden available for preorder at 139kr (free postage), i've emailed their customer service to find out if they post outside sweden, and if will have it listed for sale on the uk site. i've bought from the .com site with no problems in the past, just takes a couple of extra days, since it comes from hong kong. also have it listed as an import (pre-order), but it's a hefty £16.99!

    i'm still trying to get my head around the board, and all the swedish! from what i gather no one has heard ingenting except some journalists, is that correct? is this how kent usually do things? i'm so used to hearing songs months before they're released in the uk on the radio, so all this waiting is making me crazy! counting down the days now....

    i think i like the new album cover- after trying to convince people that du och jag döden wasn't some death-metal album, it's much more serene!

    what's the forum etiquette with abrievations? i know some forums don't like it, so thought i'd ask before i start typing things like d&jd and tts. would everyone here know what i meant? i've not posted in the swedish topics yet, it takes me long enough to try and get the gist of what everyone's saying!

  12. #72
    Medlem candersons avatar
    Nov 2005
    Albuquerque, New Mexico USA


    I think the new cover kicks ass. If the title is Tillbaka till samtiden I think the photo is very fitting; it looks so down to earth. Very cool!

    I think I will do my pre-order this week.

    Stjärnor I don't think I'd worry about the abbreviations like D&JD on this forum I see people doing that all the time. Thanks for the ordering tip!
    Sju sjösjuka sjömän sköttes av sjuttisju sköna sjuksköterskor på det sjunkande skeppet Shanghai.

  13. #73
    Medlem stjärnors avatar
    Sep 2007
    glasgow, scotland
    1 385


    just a wee update to my last post, i've yet to hear back from cdwow, but after a bit of hunting, i've found it on the uk site. it's only £8.99!

    edit: strangely, they have 2 versions listed, the other is £9.99, are we expecting 2 versions of this album? there's no tracklisting or catalogue number entered yet, so i can't see what the difference is. the link to the £9.99 version below.
    Senast redigerat av stjärnor den 2007-09-10 klockan 16:10.

  14. #74
    Moderator utomjordings avatar
    Dec 2002
    34 881


    Citat Ursprungligen postat av stjärnor Visa inlägg
    hi all

    i'm still trying to get my head around the board, and all the swedish! from what i gather no one has heard ingenting except some journalists, is that correct? is this how kent usually do things? i'm so used to hearing songs months before they're released in the uk on the radio, so all this waiting is making me crazy! counting down the days now....

    i think i like the new album cover- after trying to convince people that du och jag döden wasn't some death-metal album, it's much more serene!

    what's the forum etiquette with abrievations? i know some forums don't like it, so thought i'd ask before i start typing things like d&jd and tts. would everyone here know what i meant? i've not posted in the swedish topics yet, it takes me long enough to try and get the gist of what everyone's saying!
    That's correct, no one's heard Ingenting except for some journalists. It's weird that none of these journalists have revealed anything about the song, as far as I know. Makes you wonder what kind of agreement they have with the record company.

    Sometimes kent have performed the new single at the Swedish Grammy awards and such, but it's not the right time of the year for that. Maybe the music video to the song will be played soon?

    I would say that everyone understands what V&A and D&JD means, but maybe you shouldn't abbreviate too often. It's not as easy too know what ETEM is (En timme en minut).
    Låt dom komma nu

  15. #75
    Moderator utomjordings avatar
    Dec 2002
    34 881


    Citat Ursprungligen postat av trickster Visa inlägg
    I think I like the new cover (I thought the leaves/tree cover was a final one and I didnt like it much)
    The Ingenting cover though is great.I love it!

    Any tracklists?
    Maybe it was lost in translation that the other picture wasn't the album cover, but it was marked as not cover picture.

    Nope, no tracklists yet. Just the unoffical one from the Danish article.
    Låt dom komma nu

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