A couple of kent tweets from during the night:
Mr D has caught producer sickness
(Mr D is Daniel Ledinsky)
Now it's happening again.
Wish you could hear what we hear ❤️
A couple of kent tweets from during the night:
Mr D has caught producer sickness
(Mr D is Daniel Ledinsky)
Now it's happening again.
Wish you could hear what we hear ❤️
More from kent's twitter:
Mr producer has feeling (but not so much cash).
Today somebody sent us this lovely gift. Lollipops!! Thanx@Budimska
Some of kent's recent tweets have been a mix of English and Swedish, even so, I'll post all of them here anyway.
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Sami just before a take on a song w the working title Black Snow.
As this was posted in English and has an English song title, someone asked if they were working in English again. The next tweet in Swedish was:
We don't sing in English but we often have guests in the studio who only speak English, or have a song which has an English working name.
This next tweet was posted in English on kent's twitter and just a couple of minutes before that, it was posted on Jockes in Swedish:
Book to read:
The fault in our stars.
By John Green.
It's incredible.
Crying my heart out.
In response to a tweet from the other day from kent (day 4...) someone asked how many songs will be on the album, and will any leftover songs become b-sides? The reply:
Too early to say, but 10-11 is probably optimal.
B-sides are not what they are called any more.
The person who asked the question above, said b-sides are alive and well, and is it only remixes now? kent's reply:
But do you understand what I mean? B-side to what?
Bonus track is a much better word now?
In response to the book tweet above, someone says they (kent/Jocke) should go home and lie down. The reply:
We've just eaten lunch.
It's 14.40 in L.A.
Go straight to bed.
You may NOT see how the film ends.
Studio cosy.
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Couldn't agree more!
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Late lunch in Malibu,Paradise Cove
John Green is one hell of a clever chap. I haven't read that particular book but he is generally worth a look as he is an interesting chap. This is a brilliant video on the problem with US healthcare costs for example.
Latest kent tweet. Might need some clarification on one of the words, have a feeling it's a slang word, as it's not in my dictionaries!
New day in the studio after a day off.
New song today.
Therapy for frozen lost people with small & large anxieties*
(*the swedish word used was nojjor, googling the word got me some blog posts about things people were worried about, which is why I took a guess at anxieties)
Nojjor is a slang word for anxieties that are not really well founded. I mostly hear it about people who admit that they are nojjiga about, let's say, remembering if they locked the door or not.
Oh man, story of my life![]()
Thanks Oktjabrj for clarifying, I'm glad I was in the right area with that one.
A few tweets from yesterday from kent:
Groundhog day.
Now we will record a little new ordinary shut-up* music.
*I'm taking a guess at shut-up, the phrase used was 'håll-din-keft' which I took to mean 'håll käften'
Working on an album title also.
We have a few serious, unserious and a one quite good.
We'll see.
On Jocke's twitter, someone asked that should we expect a downbeat album after his book recommendation, his reply:
A downbeat album is probably not a good description of it.
It is big, small, hopefull, hopeless and total darkness to light.
Tack, kmb!
A tweet from yesterday:
late lunch.jpg
Late lunch with the recording team before the days' take.
Senast redigerat av stjärnor den 2013-12-12 klockan 09:26.
I'm not sure if that classes as a Jocke photobomb but I find this one quite funny![]()
Ha, he's so serious!![]()
I really should do a list of who's at that table, ok from the top:
Daniel Ledinsky (arms in air)
Rudie Edwards & Beatrice Eli
? & Jocke (so damn serious, he ain't smilin' for no one!)
? & Camela (she did some vocals on TTS)
Sami? & Stefan Boman
If anyone wants to (or can!) fill in the question marks, please do. Either Sami took the picture and who I've marked as Sami isn't Sami, or that is Sami but it doesn't really look like him....
Not much to report on twitter:
New day, new song.
The day's theme: Goodness.
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The man in the black hat.
(a play on their song title Mannen i den vita hatten)
No need to translate the following 2 tweets, both were in english, but I'll post them here anyway:
Still at it in the studio.
4 more songs to get down.
Sorry for lack of info but we've been really busy.
Working titles for the last 4:
Sweet Light
All the time in the world
Before the sky falls down
And just a wee reminder, ask kent is now live, so you can ask them anything, and hope they'll answer. You can log in with facebook, twitter or create an ask.fm account (quick and easy). This only runs for a couple of days, so get asking!
All The Time In The World, didn't Deep Purple release this in 2013?
Promising titles. Too bad no songs in English will make it to the album...