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Would love to get on top of this lingo, but these are great. The fact that Jocke so actively posts gives a pretty revealing insight. I can only think of a handful of other bands with that level of interaction.
On the B-Side thing, I can only guess it's swings and roundabouts for bands. Back in the day it was often clear which bands were pure gold by the quality of their B-Sides. I imagine that they were a contractual obligation, which in the early 90's often meant 2-3 extra songs per single at least.... so essentially another albums worth of music. With the digitization of music, where and how a song comes out is slightly less important as the format is implied, and then the listener tends not to have the physical copy to hand. That said, in the main, artists are tending to put out solitary tracks as singles which devalues them slightly if they are attached to an album (unless that song comes out before the album.) B-sides and EP's are still great in their own right. What this means, hopefully, is that the band can focus their attention 100% on say 12-15 songs they truly love without that obligation to then make more music to fill CD singles.