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Ämne: Jocke's, Martin's and Sami's posts translated to English

  1. #181


    Thanks again stjärnor for the kind translation! I've been used to waiting for your translation now, how lazy I am... But Jocke's last post just makes me smile though.

    He is really being patient to reply all the "discussion" from the use of some English term thread, and it is true that I am happy and surprised to find those hidden English words from those Swedish written songs, lyrics or titles. The "back to 93" lyrics of Columbus and "Teambuilding" title are the little Easter eggs when listening to Kent music.

  2. #182
    Medlem stjärnors avatar
    Sep 2007
    glasgow, scotland
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    Aww, thanks firth *blushes*, I do hope my translations make some sense! Sometimes I get really stuck at a word or phrase and I’m sure I’ll have written a load of nonsense!

    The Team building thread has now been closed, and I can see why, it really was getting silly (and boring).
    Really, the thread should have been discussing the song and not if the title was ‘Swedish’ (and suitable).
    Sigh, really Jocke shouldn’t have to come on here and defend/explain the band’s reasons for song titles. Can't people just enjoy the music?
    English words make their way into other languages, and Swedish is no exception.
    Like you, I appreciate the little ‘surprises’ that occasionally pop up in kent songs.

  3. #183
    Medlem stjärnors avatar
    Sep 2007
    glasgow, scotland
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    Jocke returns to the 'How about something new next time' thread.
    Apologies for the slight delay on this translation, I wanted to confer with my big dictionary on a few words!

    We, as well as other album producing musicians have a pretty good idea of what we want to achieve and with which means when we begin to put together songs for an album.
    That does not mean to say that it can't be changed during the working period.
    With V&A for example, we had an idea, an aim when we started, and a completely different one when we collapsed at the deadline.
    What did not undergo changes was the attitude to the songs we had.

    Often, now we have an idea about in which circumstances, and above all, where and why and with whom you want to record an album.
    We do it as if we don't know the difference between a synth and a guitar.
    A 'machine kick' (eh, I'm not 100% sure on this translation, a drum machine, perhaps?) or an acoustic.
    For us, the instruments themselves have no other function than to enhance the song.
    There is no intrinsic value in playing just synth or electric guitar, and we don't care if it sounds acoustically 'correct' or not.
    We care that it will sound good, and hopefully interesting, in our ears.
    In todays times, it is often difficult to tell for example, if the piano which is heard in a mix is 'real' or a really good ...... (Jocke has used the word 'plugg', which I can't find a translation for, except in the sense 'to study', I'm guessing he means en electric piano, if I'm wrong, please correct me!)
    But, as said, we intend to continue to record and produce songs in the way which suits the song and the thought behind it best, and hope that it will be a better album than the previous one.
    That has been our approach since 1995.
    It can sometimes be so difficult to get a song that you like that just... works, and which sonds like a good song without the hassle of what other people think you may or may not do.

    Good pop music, which means something and that people love without us having to compromise with our vision.
    That is all we want to do.
    Sounds simple, but it is really difficult, actually.

  4. #184
    Medlem stjärnors avatar
    Sep 2007
    glasgow, scotland
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    A member was at a festival at Stockholm Stadion where Eric Prydz played a remix of Taxmannen.

    He did a version right after the release of Röd in a club in London.
    It's on youtube in any case.

    Here is a video for those that would like to hear it:
    Eric Prydz- Summerburst Taxmannen remix

  5. #185
    Medlem stjärnors avatar
    Sep 2007
    glasgow, scotland
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    a member has posted a link to a blog, which I think seems to be a mixture of kent lyrics and ‘fake’ kent lyrics (please tell me if I’m wrong)- the name of the blogg translates as ‘kent or joke’.
    Another member mentions that the Swedish newpaper SvD has also spotted this and insinuates that Jocke is writing high school poems.

    Jocke responds:
    Since the quote from our song is wrong it is a little difficult to assess.
    But since when have journalists cared about such things

  6. #186
    Medlem stjärnors avatar
    Sep 2007
    glasgow, scotland
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    With the news that Jocke will sing in the Cars 2 film, he’s posted this...

    When I heard about this, I thought it was extremely fun and agreed straight away.
    Without even having heard the song or the lyrics...
    And without discussing the fee what so ever.
    When I first said yes, I thought of all the sellout reactions which have been written here, and because I do so few unexpected things, but especially because I have people very close to me who love Cars (1) and everything Pixar touches.
    Pixar have made fantastic mega classics like Toy Story 123, Finding Nemo, Up, Monsters Inc and WALL-E.
    Mega mega classics!
    All films that everyone should see.
    I thought it was the equivalent of being in a... Terrence Malick film!
    And who doesn’t want to be a hero at nursery :-)

    I haven't seen Up, yet...I know I'll probably cry too much! I'm a sentimental thing and if it's worse (ie, sadder!) than Toy Story 3, then I know I'm in trouble!
    Ok, admit it, who cried at Up?

  7. #187


    Me! I was crying so badly that I can't even breathe sometimes. Please please stjärnor you must go see this movie! It might be sad, but you will end up smiling. It is really a classic and heart-warming movie.

    And that's also what I guessed people will react, sell out or whatever words like this. But anyways what's wrong with doing such cooperation? Pixar have made so many classics. I have no idea if Car 2 will have such success like the previous Pixar works have done but it won't be a bad choice to be involved with this production. With another thought, I just can't help thinking that Jocke's kids must be proud of their father: See! my dad sings for Car 2!

  8. #188
    Medlem stjärnors avatar
    Sep 2007
    glasgow, scotland
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    I wanted to see Up so badly in the cinema (I too, love pixar films!), but I knew I'd cry so much that I'd end up with a red-eyed puffy face! (and that's exactly what happened when I went to see Toy story 3, I was so embarrassed walking in the city after the cinema!) An 8 year old I know has Up on dvd, I might ask to borrow it from them and I can blub at home in peace and quiet. I will cry at ANYTHING, it's so not funny!

  9. #189
    Erfaren medlem kallt kaffe med sockers avatar
    May 2002
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    Regarding rumours of a new album in early 2012, Jocke just wrote in that thread:

    He says that there is no album to be announced at this time. Kent has not been in a studio together and has not recorded anything for the band, as the band Kent, since the recording of "En plats i solen". When they do, we'll be the first ones to know. But not that things are standing still, Jocke means, just that they haven't been in a studio.
    Och jag lämnar inga fotspår ens i sand...

  10. #190
    Erfaren medlem m@rcos avatar
    Sep 2005
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    Citat Ursprungligen postat av kallt kaffe med socker Visa inlägg
    Regarding rumours of a new album in early 2012, Jocke just wrote in that thread:

    He says that there is no album to be announced at this time. Kent has not been in a studio together and has not recorded anything for the band, as the band Kent, since the recording of "En plats i solen". When they do, we'll be the first ones to know. But not that things are standing still, Jocke means, just that they haven't been in a studio.
    We will wait and see.
    Citat Ursprungligen postat av snö Visa inlägg
    vilken rolig spoiler du har! jag tycker om sån't som får mitt nyfikna jag att skratta.

  11. #191
    Medlem stjärnors avatar
    Sep 2007
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    A post from Jocke in response to a couple of my posts which gives the details of the playlists from Martin & Jocke's radio show in America.
    Due to the odd times from the playlists and some of songs, I was unsure if they were songs that Martin & Jocke had actually played. (ie, the ones I questioned seemed a bit 'american radio friendly')- you can see all the playlists here

    Neither Dylan or U2, Florence or Ray Lamontagne are on the lists.
    Tom Waits we did play.
    Magical song.
    Dylan and U2....I am 1 in a 100 (sure?) in any case
    Although we played Ray in an earlier programme, I think.
    ‘Lesson learned’... fantastic song!
    We often do more than one programme at a time when we record them, and it is difficult to keep track of everything.
    We consistently play 10 songs per show and 90% of them are new things.
    There is often no point in playing something people have heard 1000 times.
    Senast redigerat av stjärnor den 2011-11-07 klockan 09:27.

  12. #192
    Oct 2009


    He means he's 100% sure of not having played Dylan and U2

    (in swedish you often say "att vara (helt) hundra på något", by which you just mean "to be completely sure of something". So "Jag är hundra procent säker på..." often just becomes "Jag är hundra på..." Saves you some breath So if a Swede ever asks you "är du helt 100 på det?" he just wants to know if you're sure )

  13. #193
    Medlem stjärnors avatar
    Sep 2007
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    Thanks (as always!) koelkast!
    I thought he was trying to say something like that, and often I get the feeling I can understand what things mean in Swedish, but I can't find the right words or phrase in English.

  14. #194
    Oct 2009


    I know what you mean, I use three languages in my everyday life... terribly confusing! Even if you understand everything, it's still hard to find the right words to say it in another language. I have to say I'm impressed with your Swedish skills though, you really seem to understand most of what's written It's usually just these kind of sentences that shouldn't be translated literally that you seem to have trouble with sometimes, but those are just incredibly hard to learn if you don't get to hear and speak Swedish so often.

  15. #195
    Medlem stjärnors avatar
    Sep 2007
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    In a thread about hearing the same tonal ranges/ keys, Jocke posts this...
    (I’ll say this now, I have no musical knowledge/ experience, so I hope I have the correct terminology in the translation- please tell me if I’m wrong!)

    The reason that songs sung by artists/ bands are in a similar tonal range is vocal based.
    I often lie in F/D Minor or thereabouts because my voice often sounds better there.
    There is of course, people who have a huge range who never have to care about it.
    But you can have a unity of sounds on an album or a gig if you stay within the keys.
    The taste is like ass (what? I’m guessing this is one of those phrases I can’t translate directly- 'Smaken är som baken'.)

    It’s not so strange.
    Often the choice of key is crucial if the song is to survive the demo process.
    It can sometimes be a compromise where you chose the key which sounds best for the voice all over.
    Now and then you can do a song where the chorus sounds great in A# Major but the verse is far too low.
    Then you have to play around a little.
    When you make demos and such, it is usual that you record the song where you never sing the full range.
    That is to say, it takes a lot.
    When you then stand there and do it properly you notice that the key isn’t right for the voice.
    Then you have to alter it
    And listen to it again.

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