Fuck, fuck, fuckety fuck. Bugger, fuck... ...and tits!
Fuck, fuck, fuckety fuck. Bugger, fuck... ...and tits!
Good! Norwegian keyboards godt æÆ, øØ and åÅ. And with ¨+ some of the normal letters, we got the swedish ø and æ (ö and ä) + some more.
We can also make hotkeys for frequently used characters (like hooked letters) with the F-keys. Norwegian friends of me with english laptops does it a lot.
Fuck, fuck, fuckety fuck. Bugger, fuck... ...and tits!
Today I am tired of fighting with everyone and everything.
even dinner tasted like burning garbage... *sigh*
"I was going to kill myself but I couldn't find the right CD."
Visst känns det som att [[[kärleken väntar]]]
today so far has been a bit of a dissapointment...needed a new chefs jacket so I walked (In a fit of lovesick rage, I had left my bicycle chained to a post outside my lovers house.) to the food-industry supply store I knew was somewhere within the neighbourhood. After 8 blocks of wandering, I found it closed. However on the plus-side, It gave me an oppertunity to listen to Kent for a solid hour or so, and get a nice walk outside...(I still hate this city though.)
"I was going to kill myself but I couldn't find the right CD."
Visst känns det som att [[[kärleken väntar]]]
oh and I aslo REALLY hate south asian food.
that is all
I'm guessing your day wasn't that good at all. I hope today will be better!
The weather has been amazing here all week, it's very warm and sunny. I hope this is what the whole summer will be like.
Yesterday was a very good day to be FinnishThank you, Germany.