Kent - Ingenting
I can't stop listening to it!
By the way, exactly five years ago "Kärleken Väntar" topped the Swedish charts...
Kent - Ingenting
I can't stop listening to it!
By the way, exactly five years ago "Kärleken Väntar" topped the Swedish charts...
Yeh it's good, bought it today, but the fucking remixes do my head in, too dancy! Like the last track on the single too.
I don't like the remixes, they sound nothing like the actual song.
Anyways, Sum 41 (Canadian band) had a new single come out, good song, video reminded me of Kent:
Kent - Ingenting!
The single hasn't made it over here yet... but I've been listening to it over and over on YouTube...
Also, check out MuteMath - MuteMath for some good New Orleans rock & roll!
"Love is watching someone die.
So who's going to watch you die?"
It's definitely one of the best albums I've bought recently. Mute Math is high on my list of bands to see live now.
"Love is watching someone die.
So who's going to watch you die?"
I would love to see them live. I hear they're awesome. Muse would be another I'd love to see live.
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I saw Muse in Houston last year... the crowd sucked, not very energetic, not even close to full... but they still put on a fantastic show. It wasn't as good as Kent, but very good.
"Love is watching someone die.
So who's going to watch you die?"
I'm not much of a concert goer.. if there's a band I really want to see live, I'll do it but other than that I don't go out of my way to see bands I like.
I hate being with large crowds of stupid people.Now if I had the opportunity to see Kent, I would go out of my way for that.
It sucks the crowd sucked at the Muse concert. I've heard many great things about their stage performance.
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If only Kent or any other good band would play at my university. I know that Keane did a bunch of univ. gigs for warm ups before their last album came out.
I'd say go and listen to Amy Macdonald and then listen again and again. She's only 20 (19 when her debut album came out) and from Scotland. Has a terrific voice, she's already huge in Scotland seems like. Her second physical single is coming out in like 2 weeks and her album called This Is The Life got #2 on the UK charts and #1 on the Scottish charts.
Anyways, I'll let her music vids speak for her: (<--- that song is pure amazin)
and these one's are kinda different, maybe you kent fans will like the first one:
I like those Amy MacDonald songs... thanks for sharing! MuteMath - Typical MuteMath - Chaos MuteMath - Reset MuteMath - Noticed
"Love is watching someone die.
So who's going to watch you die?"
You guys should check out The Servant and Under the Influence of Giants.
They're both great bands.
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Under The Influence Of Giants is great... never heard of The Servant... will have to check them out.
"Love is watching someone die.
So who's going to watch you die?"
One of my favorite songs right now is that new Eddie Veder song Hard Sun from the Into the Wild soundtrack