de svarta hålen . . .
av Esme Fransen
natten . . .
Night by Xuan loc Xuan
via turecepcja
mörkret . . .
av Matt. R Martin via crossconnectmag
"Matt. R. Martin (b.1984) is a Melbourne-based artist whose work originates from his love of life drawing and is heavily influenced by film, the representational and the surreal. He has remarkable photo-realistic skills, indeed his work is often mistaken for a photograph because of the intricate detail involved in his oil paintings.
Buy prints:"
ömhet . . .
av Daliah Ammar (Previously on Supersonic Art)
För mig handlar de nästa två målningar om att omfamna sorgen och mörkret inuti.
warped . . .
Flatland II by Aydin Büyükta
A series of images by Turkish digital artist and photographer Aydin Büyükta inspired by Edwin Abbott’s book “Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions.
"The human heart has hidden treasures,
In secret kept, in silence sealed;
The thoughts, the hopes, the dreams, the pleasures,
Whose charms were broken if revealed."
- Charlotte Brontë, "Evening Solace"
Ah, love and art, art and love. Muse and artist, artist and muse...
they are forever bound to each other and in the repercussions of their trysts we are left aching, breathless and wondering.
Without the two life holds little meaning and when they meet; there's magic to be found.
#languagelover #romanticfool #artlover
Senast redigerat av Laila Mari-Gigi Andersen den 2017-03-20 klockan 08:18.
"We do not escape into philosophy, psychology, and art -- we go there to restore our shattered selves into whole ones."
- Anaïs Nin
av Anna McNaught via
where'd you go . . . ?
"Call me" av Tania Franco Klein via
Jag älskar dessa fotografier som, i mitt sinne iaf, skildrar slitna och ganska ödsliga motell eller dylikt* längs bortglömda, dammiga amerikanska Route-whatever.
Det finns en sort av bräcklig skönhet i deras sol blekta, monokroma färger och deras long gone glory days.
*(the 50s trailer homes, etc.)
Senast redigerat av Laila Mari-Gigi Andersen den 2017-03-29 klockan 11:32.
genom tid och rum . . .
Installations by Alicja Kwade
Alicja Kwade (b.1979, Katowice, Poland) has long been engaged with value systems, and with attempting to examine (if not resolve) issues of inherently subjective concepts such as space and time. In her sculptures (as well as installations, photographs, and films), Kwade occupies herself with the structural properties of everyday objects. Common materials of little to no value such as glass, wood, and copper are transformed via elaborate, alchemical operations. Through these physical shifts, Kwade proposes new meaning and value.
Alicja Kwade lives and works in Berlin. She received a degree in sculpture from the Universität der Künste, Berlin in 2005.
- det är nästan som en figurative play on words through time.
men ibland känns det liksom bara så här, va?
- den sista kallar jag: den fallna ängeln.
Senast redigerat av Laila Mari-Gigi Andersen den 2017-04-05 klockan 16:41.
under . . .
Under by Andrés Layos.
Om någon av er är lite uttråkada i påsken kan jag starkt rekommendera denna serien - dokumentären, på Netflix: "Secrets of Great British Castles". - två säsonger.
Det är en BBC produktion och det handlar om, inte bara de olika slotten och borgars historia, men även de historiska personerna och historien som omger slotten och borgarna - det är seriöst intressant - epicly interesting!
Senast redigerat av Laila Mari-Gigi Andersen den 2017-04-14 klockan 14:05.
ventura house . . .
kolla bordet. Det är en skiva från en trädstam! #beautiful
Och golvet är tillverkat av små rutor eller kanske mera klossar av trä. ...att gå barfota på det golvet! #Mmm
Ventura House in MonterreyThis house by Mexican architect Tatiana Bilbao comprises a cluster of five-sided concrete blocks that emerge from a forested hillside to offer panoramic views towards the city of Monterrey. The uneven terrain informed a proposal that extends across the site, composed of a series of connected volumes arranged to optimise the available views.(Source:
Follow the Source Link for images sources and more information.
via och archatlas
House of my dreams och om det hade utsikt över havet skulle det vara perfekt! - och jag skulle aldrig lämna det.
för mer detaljer om huset:
Senast redigerat av Laila Mari-Gigi Andersen den 2017-04-26 klockan 09:04.