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Ämne: Swedish learning & resource thread

  1. #16


    Citat Ursprungligen postat av stjärnor Visa inlägg
    Thanks for this link Sorrow (haven't seen you in here for ages!), it's nice to have other peoples' links and suggestions to Swedish learning.
    Eurotalk is mostly for learning the conversation basics + pronounciation and the correct "song" for each language.
    And yes, I've not been here for ages. I'm a 5th year med student now, and school takes all my time (and life). I hardly have time to meet my irl friends!

    Funny though, allmost half my books is in academical swedish now. So I learn a lot language "at the go". And a lot about culture.
    Fuck, fuck, fuckety fuck. Bugger, fuck... ...and tits!

  2. #17
    Erfaren medlem namokabs avatar
    Jul 2007
    10 000


    Could we even use this thread as a Swedish/English language learning thred?

    One way would be to let our forum people associate Swedish to English words (and vice versa) by their similarity in sound and connection to Kent lyrics, or whatever as long as it makes it interesting for the learning process.

    For example, the word "go" has a similar word in Swedish which has a slightly different meaning and sound.
    Gå means walk and the å sounds like the o in "more".

    Go on!
    När ni äntligen kan se vem som drar i alla trådar
    Så blir ni aldrig rädda mer
    När ni äntligen kan se kejsaren stå naken
    Så vänder allt igen

    Jag går ensam genom mörkret

  3. #18


    Citat Ursprungligen postat av namokab Visa inlägg
    Could we even use this thread as a Swedish/English language learning thred?

    One way would be to let our forum people associate Swedish to English words (and vice versa) by their similarity in sound and connection to Kent lyrics, or whatever as long as it makes it interesting for the learning process.

    For example, the word "go" has a similar word in Swedish which has a slightly different meaning and sound.
    Gå means walk and the å sounds like the o in "more".

    Go on!
    How about patronize? It sounds exactly like Namokab in Swedish.

    Jag vet (eller snarare hoppas) att du menar väl, men du inte kunde skrivit något mer nedlåtande om det had varit din avsikt. Jag vet också att det här den engelska delen av forumet, men jag kommer att skriva ett inlägg på svenska nu. Bara för att jag är rädd att du inte skulle ta mig på allvar annars.

    Tl;dr in English: Go in Swedish is often used in spoken language (sometimes you can see it written as well, and while it's okay on the internet, don't try this in your Swedish homework) instead of 'god', and while I usually think that Namokab ´är en go kille´, I wasn't really enthusiastic about this particular idea of his.

  4. #19
    Erfaren medlem namokabs avatar
    Jul 2007
    10 000


    Citat Ursprungligen postat av jazzpurist Visa inlägg
    How about patronize? It sounds exactly like Namokab in Swedish.

    Jag vet (eller snarare hoppas) att du menar väl, men du inte kunde skrivit något mer nedlåtande om det had varit din avsikt. Jag vet också att det här den engelska delen av forumet, men jag kommer att skriva ett inlägg på svenska nu. Bara för att jag är rädd att du inte skulle ta mig på allvar annars.

    Tl;dr in English: Go in Swedish is often used in spoken language (sometimes you can see it written as well, and while it's okay on the internet, don't try this in your Swedish homework) instead of 'god', and while I usually think that Namokab ´är en go kille´, I wasn't really enthusiastic about this particular idea of his.
    Thanks for the long response.
    I had no intent to insult anyone, just thought that words are the basis for learning a new language, especially when it's brand new for someone. The sound similarity idea was just fun for me in the way that there are so many similarities between languages although the similar words may have different meanings which is fun. Go was just a simple example, sorry if it insulted everyone.

    EDIT: My English isn't perfect either so you're welcome to give the real translation to Patronize too. Fun joke in some way, though ... :/
    Senast redigerat av namokab den 2014-09-23 klockan 11:17.
    När ni äntligen kan se vem som drar i alla trådar
    Så blir ni aldrig rädda mer
    När ni äntligen kan se kejsaren stå naken
    Så vänder allt igen

    Jag går ensam genom mörkret

  5. #20


    Citat Ursprungligen postat av namokab Visa inlägg
    Thanks for the long response.
    I had no intent to insult anyone, just thought that words are the basis for learning a new language, especially when it's brand new for someone. The sound similarity idea was just fun for me in the way that there are so many similarities between languages although the similar words may have different meanings which is fun. Go was just a simple example, sorry if it insulted everyone.

    EDIT: My English isn't perfect either so you're welcome to give the real translation to Patronize too. Fun joke in some way, though ... :/
    I wanted to go with condescending, but patronize had a better resemblance to your name, so I substituted that as an alternative. But to patronize means either att behandla någon nedlåtande or att vara stamkund hos någon. I used the first meaning here.

    I understand your reasoning, but I have been on this forum for a long time, and everyone here assumes that people who are not Swedish, only want to learn basic Swedish or on a beginner level, regardless of how long they had been studying. While in reality, everyone here how ever had any ambition to learn Swedish is already past that level. And those who are not are the ones who had no intention to learn the language at all. This is the part that hits a nerve with me and I am probably overly touchy about it. Especially that sometimes you guys even come over and deliver a sentence like "oh I don't think I could listen to Kent and not understand the lyrics." Why do you (not you, but in general) assume that just because people here are not word perfect in Swedish or feel more comfortable talking to each other in English, we don't know anything? And even if we don't, we could have asked someone to translate and explain to us. We are just foreigners, not ignorant toddlers. (Anyways, there is nothing wrong with enjoying hte music and not understanding the meaning, but assuming that someone doesn't understand it is offending nontheless.)

    Anyways, getting the very basics of a language is easy-peasy. You sign up for a beginner course, you try online learning (I would recommend a course to getting the basics, because you can easier build knowledge on a strong base), and spend hours learning words. It is on more advanced level that it gets difficult. There are not enough people who want to learn Swedish more than some basics, so either you luck out and find a group, get a private tutor or try doing it alone. Also, these all cost money, as the free online courses end at ordering your dinner and booking a hotel room in Swedish (or somewhere along that line). So either you pay hard cash (it's a rare language, so the prices are sky high), or try alone. And when trying alone, you don't need anyone tell you words that you can look up in the dictionary or wikipedia can explain (for example elljusspår is a word that has no equivalent in my language, so I needed wikipedia to understand it). You need help with understanding phrases, slang, idioms and the likes. Or being told that the word you assumed you know has another meaning that should be used in that particular sentence. Because all that a dictionary, a not so interactive curse and home study can't get you. I have no idea how it works when you are not trying from abroad, but I've heard SFI is pretty much worthless for anyone who seriously wants to learn the language as you are probably the only one in your group who is not there because it's a must and would rather be elsewhere. So Komvux, maybe? Anyways, when I get there (probably never), I will tell you about it.

    So while I appreciate the intent, the means are all wrong. Because they are based on the general assumption that we want to learn kitchen Swedish and would not even attempt to go over that level. Ever. But as far as I can see, people in this forum struggle to get better and are way past the level where they need help with words only. If you are offering to explain phrases that we don't get in the lyrics, I'll be the first to come here and ask about something that I'm not sure what it exactly means or I feel like there's a secondary meaning that I don't get. And I'm pretty sure that most people here are already on that level and it's not just my first world problem.

    If I was trying very hard to get offended, I would also complain about you choosing to answer me in English while I attempted Swedish with you, but since it's the English forum, and using English is just fair as neither of us has that as mother language, not to mention that I have a good 15 years more practice in that, I'm pretty comfortable using it. And i just used Swedish to make a point here (here's hoping it didn't counteract what I tried to prove). Also, it's not your particular idea but the underlying assumption, which also reflects general attitude towards us non-scandinavians on this forum that pissed me off. I usually let it slip when it comes from generally arrogant people, but when someone who I - based on his posts in other threads - consider a nice and intelligent person does this, I can't just scroll on.
    Senast redigerat av jazzpurist den 2014-09-23 klockan 13:44. Anledning: i didn't win spelling bee today either

  6. #21
    Erfaren medlem namokabs avatar
    Jul 2007
    10 000


    I have never really tried to assess the level of Swedish knowledge on the non-scandinavian part of the forum.
    I agree that my little game would add little value for an ambitious Swedish student. Personally, I find word knowledge an important part of learning a language but I rarely take the time to teach myself actively. But when e.g. learning a word like Patronize I find it good. Thus, my game isn't fruitless if it's funny enough to make me learn something (although the selection of words to learn becomes rather random). There are a lot of words I would like to know in English and Spanish even if I am not a beginner in any of these languages.

    Enough said. I think we understand each other's standpoints although we have different viewpoints and therefore tend to disagree.

    PS. Regarding your 2nd paragraph, I don't see that language knowledge is necessary to enjoy music since lyrics are not the essence of music for me.
    När ni äntligen kan se vem som drar i alla trådar
    Så blir ni aldrig rädda mer
    När ni äntligen kan se kejsaren stå naken
    Så vänder allt igen

    Jag går ensam genom mörkret

  7. #22
    Erfaren medlem -hulda-s avatar
    Jun 2007
    hemma hos mig
    50 585


    I really do hope I have never offended anybody. If so, it was never my intention.
    and goddamn, I don't seem to have learned
    that a lady in need is guilty indeed...(Nina Persson)

    & varje gång du möter min blick blir min värld en aning större
    varje gång du möter min blick hör jag ditt hjärta ge mig blod

  8. #23
    Medlem stjärnors avatar
    Sep 2007
    glasgow, scotland
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    I personally have never been offended by anyone trying to help improve my Swedish

  9. #24
    Erfaren medlem -hulda-s avatar
    Jun 2007
    hemma hos mig
    50 585


    Citat Ursprungligen postat av stjärnor Visa inlägg
    I personally have never been offended by anyone trying to help improve my Swedish
    Skönt att höra!
    and goddamn, I don't seem to have learned
    that a lady in need is guilty indeed...(Nina Persson)

    & varje gång du möter min blick blir min värld en aning större
    varje gång du möter min blick hör jag ditt hjärta ge mig blod

  10. #25
    Erfaren medlem namokabs avatar
    Jul 2007
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    Citat Ursprungligen postat av -hulda- Visa inlägg
    I really do hope I have never offended anybody. If so, it was never my intention.
    You never know when someone gets offended, unless they are as outspoken as jazz purist, but if they do get offended you can always hope that they are just full of bullshit, or bulldeg as we say in Swedish.
    * joke to lighten things up a bit *
    (Possibly offending joke btw)
    (Although not intended to be offensive)
    När ni äntligen kan se vem som drar i alla trådar
    Så blir ni aldrig rädda mer
    När ni äntligen kan se kejsaren stå naken
    Så vänder allt igen

    Jag går ensam genom mörkret

  11. #26
    Medlem stjärnors avatar
    Sep 2007
    glasgow, scotland
    1 385


    Citat Ursprungligen postat av namokab Visa inlägg
    You never know when someone gets offended, unless they are as outspoken as jazz purist, but if they do get offended you can always hope that they are just full of bullshit, or bulldeg as we say in Swedish.
    * joke to lighten things up a bit *
    (Possibly offending joke btw)
    (Although not intended to be offensive)

    (since you must have 10 characters to post)

  12. #27


    Citat Ursprungligen postat av stjärnor Visa inlägg
    I personally have never been offended by anyone trying to help improve my Swedish
    I could link at least 3 posts where you would have had every right to be (one of them would be my me, I often speak before I think things through properly), but you are most probably a nicer person as I am.

    I don't get offended if people try to help improve my Swedish, only when they imply i don't know jackshit in Swedish. And I was offended on your behalf too, I don't think you need basic Swedish words to be explained to you in English either.

  13. #28


    Citat Ursprungligen postat av -hulda- Visa inlägg
    I really do hope I have never offended anybody. If so, it was never my intention.
    Apologies once again for misreading "stjärnor" in your post as "anybody." Thank you for clarifying later. Deleted original comment as it is obsolate in that case. Sorry for the inconvenience!
    Senast redigerat av jazzpurist den 2014-09-24 klockan 17:07. Anledning: misunderstanding

  14. #29


    Citat Ursprungligen postat av namokab Visa inlägg
    I have never really tried to assess the level of Swedish knowledge on the non-scandinavian part of the forum.
    I agree that my little game would add little value for an ambitious Swedish student. Personally, I find word knowledge an important part of learning a language but I rarely take the time to teach myself actively. But when e.g. learning a word like Patronize I find it good. Thus, my game isn't fruitless if it's funny enough to make me learn something (although the selection of words to learn becomes rather random). There are a lot of words I would like to know in English and Spanish even if I am not a beginner in any of these languages.

    Enough said. I think we understand each other's standpoints although we have different viewpoints and therefore tend to disagree.

    PS. Regarding your 2nd paragraph, I don't see that language knowledge is necessary to enjoy music since lyrics are not the essence of music for me.
    I don't see why you would have needed to do that, unless out of curiosity. Except maybe before proposing the game.

    Building up a vocabulary is very important in learning a language, but sometimes you don't need to know all the words. You can enjoy Lord of the Rings without knowing exactly which flowers Tolkien mentions in that one scene, it is enough if you know he wrote about flowers there. You can often guess the meaning of a word from the rest of the sentence, and even if not, you can still hit up wikipedia etc. Important words will stick, the rest you will forget anyways. Vocabulary can be improved by reading a lot, watching movies on that language, TV shows (also great for picking up current slang and reactions in life situations, like what you say when someone's dog dies etc - these are more realistic in TV shows, unless you are watching a comedy, as they don't have the same esthetical requirement a book or a quality movie has) and actively conversing with people - either in writing or face to face. These are also more fun than dusty dictionaries and google translate and the last one is very effective as you can ask straight away what the word means. But you can still learn a whole dictionary by heart without being able to actually speak the language, as your sentences will be awkward, you most probably won't be able to properly use figurative speech, use the word villain when talking about bank robbers or coin Captain Hook as a criminal, and so on. You will give a honest effort, but you and everyone else will feel that it is somehow not quite right. You would be like google translate, able to hit up the word, but unable to apply it correctly in a sentence. I'm not debating it is important, but it is something you can learn alone. The rest of it, you cannot. You need to understand grammar to apply it, so you need someone to explain it to you. You might need a figure of speech explained, discover a word's secondary meaning when heard in a conversation applied differently etc. Irony, sarcasm and jokes are detected more easily when you hear them, because the tone and the facial expressions are good giveaways. Basic vocabulary and basic grammar are like brick and mortar. They will make the wall stand, but you might want to have a layer of insulation for the winter, a window and a door into those gaping holes there, a nice wallpaper etc. You can live in a brick and mortar only house, but would you like that? I don't think I would. Point is, vocabulary is important, but once you have the walls standing, you don't necessarily want another layer of bricks, you might fancy the wallpaper instead.

    Word games are sure fun, given that the players are more or less on the same level. It's okay to be the worst in the beginning, but you either up your game soon or get bored with always losing - or just not understanding the words the others are throwing around. Being too good also creates frustration as you are always winning. But even if you are not playing a win or lose type of game, someone is either bored or overchallenged if the players are not on the same level. I love a good word game, if the opponents are giving me a run for my money. If you like the type of games when the definition is given and you have to guess the meaning, Sporcle has tons of them, they are fun. They also range from insanely easy to nearly impossible, but most of them are fun and they take only 2-3 minutes to complete, so not much time wasted in any case.

    I don't think either that language knowledge is necessary to enjoy music, however for me lyrics and music together create the whole. Music alone or the lyrics alone are not that interesting. I don't like instrumental music, unless I want something in the background, because music alone can't hold my attention. But I very seldom read lyrics alone either, as they are not the same without music. Lyrics are a very different art from poems and written with different purpose. Lyrics are there to complete the music, to play on the emotions the music creates and vica versa, they can amplify or counteract each other. For me the singer's voice is an essential instrument, and if I hate his/her voice or find the lyrics rubbish, I can't care anymore how brilliant the music is. The harmony is broken for me. Of course, it is individual preference, and if someone doesn't need to understand lyrics, good for them. May they never find out their favourite song is about a mosquito sailing down the canals in a walnut shell or the singer is actually going on about how he slapped his girlfriend because she couldn't shut up so she deserved it.

    Citat Ursprungligen postat av namokab Visa inlägg
    You never know when someone gets offended, unless they are as outspoken as jazz purist, but if they do get offended you can always hope that they are just full of bullshit, or bulldeg as we say in Swedish.
    * joke to lighten things up a bit *
    (Possibly offending joke btw)
    (Although not intended to be offensive)
    As for being outspoken, seriously, I don't fit in here anyways, so I have no issues with not even trying. Outsiders have nothing to lose. And I don't mind bantering, I can take hard words too, if you feel like one-upping that comment. I don't take offense, unless you assume I cannot hold my ground (except when we are playing bowling, I'm worthless at that).

    By the way, assume makes a donkey out of you and me, so let's not assume anything about each other anymore. Deal?

    Citat Ursprungligen postat av stjärnor Visa inlägg

    (since you must have 10 characters to post)
    Is that rule still active? I thought it was from the old times and noone cares anymore, and people just write 10 tecken out of habit or for fun.

  15. #30
    Medlem stjärnors avatar
    Sep 2007
    glasgow, scotland
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    Citat Ursprungligen postat av jazzpurist Visa inlägg
    I could link at least 3 posts where you would have had every right to be (one of them would be my me, I often speak before I think things through properly), but you are most probably a nicer person as I am.

    I don't get offended if people try to help improve my Swedish, only when they imply i don't know jackshit in Swedish. And I was offended on your behalf too, I don't think you need basic Swedish words to be explained to you in English either.
    Thanks, but I know I occasionally make (silly) mistakes in Swedish- sometimes my brain thinks in Swenglish when translating between the 2 languages and I know I get lazy and things wrong. I'm never going to be perfect in Swedish, I don't study it enough. Learning Swedish has allowed me to enjoy & understand kent's (and other Swedish) music more, make friends I otherwise wouldn't have had, and enjoy more of Swedish culture.

    Citat Ursprungligen postat av jazzpurist Visa inlägg
    You stood next to me on a kent gig (at least I'm 99% sure it was you, as you talked about your position on the forums and I was standing exactly there, same row and all), and you didn't offend me there. I don't think we have ever had any interactions on the forums before, so no chance here either.
    Hulda and others from this forum have helped me with Swedish both on here and on Twitter. That is maybe what she refers to. #TackMinaSvenskaLärare
    Senast redigerat av stjärnor den 2014-09-23 klockan 19:19.

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