and goddamn, I don't seem to have learned
that a lady in need is guilty indeed...(Nina Persson)
& varje gång du möter min blick blir min värld en aning större
varje gång du möter min blick hör jag ditt hjärta ge mig blod
I'm never going to be perfect in Swedish or English either. But noone ever assumed that I am awful at English. Noone outside the kentforum ever assumed I am awful at Swedish. Not even when I'm in Sweden and try to use my rather crappy knowledge, noone ever assumes I don't understand them or they need to babytalk to me. Only on the kentforum... this is not about Namokab or Hulda, it is the general attitude here, displayed all the time someone from the Swedish forum comes over here. I do love Swedish language, I love Sweden, I love Swedish people in general, but sometimes I wonder what people on this forum are thinking. Even some people's attitude towards Jocke is revolting.
Ah, I must have misread anyone in Hulda's previous post then.![]()
Senast redigerat av jazzpurist den 2014-09-23 klockan 19:38. Anledning: deleted bragging about how lazy I also am
Sorry jazz purist. I do not have access to a computer at the moment and thus do not have the patience or time to respond properly to your thorough replies. I thought your view of lyrics vs music corresponded well with my view. Kent's lyrics suit me well because they add feelings/associations that make me curious and make me listen to the words, whereas more easily interpreted lyrics rarely catch my interest. Interesting text about bricks and walls too.
Regarding my joke, I'm not saying that you're full of bulldeg. But I do admit I had some difficulties understanding your strong reaction and made some conclusion that you are quite pride and serious when it comes to your Swedish knowledge. Then you didn't want us to assume anything about each other so I will not expand my analysis here.
Might add something later when I have the means though.
EDIT: Bulldeg is the mix of flour, water, sugar, etc. that forms sweet bread (bulle) after having been in the oven.
Just to clarify, in case someone didn't have the time or patience to look it up.
Senast redigerat av namokab den 2014-09-23 klockan 22:11.
När ni äntligen kan se vem som drar i alla trådar
Så blir ni aldrig rädda mer
När ni äntligen kan se kejsaren stå naken
Så vänder allt igen
Jag går ensam genom mörkret
No worries, I'm not sitting constantly at my laptop either when I'm outside work.
You are free to say I'm full of bulldeg, everyone's entitled to have an opinion (within moderation guidelines, that is).I know that I have reacted more strongly than it would have been sensible, but as I said before, my reaction was not only to your post, it was just the tip of the iceberg. I am not actively contributing to the forum, but I do read it regularly, and more often than not, I don't find it a nice place. I'm only here to see if Jocke has written something, but when I do open the site, I look through it, just to get some practice. (The things I do for kent...) I'm not proud of my Swedish knowledge, mainly that it is nothing to "hang up on the wall" - just to butcher two languages at the same time. But I do want to have credit when credit is due - i.e. acknowledgement that I'm capable of understanding Swedish -, because I did work really hard for it. I don't want praise for it, as it's nothing to praise, but I don't want to be treated like I am basic. I'm not that awfully serious about it either, but I guess I hang out too much with a friend who is a translator and we often discuss things like this, and we tend to get nerdy about it. It is rather offtopic here, but feel free to PM me if you would like to discuss any of this, I'm really happy to get personality analysis.
However, are you sure that's bulldeg? It sounds pretty much like fralle to me. At least flour, water, bit of sugar, yeast, salt and olive oil is what I make my frallor of (and flax seed because I love that). Bulldeg is more like milk, flour, butter (I prefer oil here too), eggs (I omit them as I don't eat anything coming from animals, including humans*), yeast/baking soda and sugar + optional spices.
*I'm pretty sure you don't have this in Swedish, but in my language 'I don't eat humans' means something along the line that I'm not a frightening person, and 'eating someone for breakfast' refers to completely dominating someone in an argument or in personality.![]()
I was not so meticulous with the ingrediends, so bulldeg it is. However, skitsnack is the real word for bullshit as you probably already know. I will not spam this thread with more svammel, especially not with a personality analysis which I have no basis for.
The "eat someone for breakfast" expression has no correspondence in Swedish. We'll better invent it. ;-)
När ni äntligen kan se vem som drar i alla trådar
Så blir ni aldrig rädda mer
När ni äntligen kan se kejsaren stå naken
Så vänder allt igen
Jag går ensam genom mörkret
Actually, I thought it was a really nice idea of namokab... and I speak almost perfect swedish after having lived here for many years. I know for a fact that the level of swedish of the international members is anything from 0 to 100%, so starting this kind of thing on a high level would even be kind of... mean? I've actually always liked to see the swedish members pop in here, also because the few times I've posted in the swedish part I didn't really feel like that worked out, since the friendship there is so thight that it's hard to 'fit in'. I think several swedish members have been very friendly to us by explaining things that we didn't understand, answering questions we had osv. That they sometimes stick to the lowest level swedish is more kind than offending in my eyes. At least I've never taken it personal or felt that I was being looked down upon. Just wanted to have that said, that not everyone who's foreign-but-good-at-swedish feels offended here![]()
[That's the word I was referring to when I wrote that you can one-up your comment if you like, as I can take harder words. Just wasn't sure it was okay to write out on the forum or not.
Water is a very unusual ingredient if you are making a sweet dough for buns, cookies or cakes, it is mostly used in bread and savoury stuff. Unless your recipe calls for espresso mixed into the dough, but let's steer clear of controversary named delicacies here.
Completely agree with the fitting in part. Tried it too and failed marvellously. It is not just us tho, basically anyone new trying to come to this forum experiences the same. This is mostly the reason this forum is so dead all the time... but that's pretty much where all forum groups end up after a while, so it's not like something typical in here.
As for the rest, since you are living in Sweden, you have a very different overall experience, not only in the forums. I am kind of in a bad place forumwise, when I don't feel like I fit in anywhere. And life-wise, you go out to the street and can talk to anyone in Swedish, and you are probably at the level when you don't really care if you get to use it one day or not (tho unless you go without human contact and watch non-Swedish TV shows for days, you cannot possibly avoid it). For me, it is very difficult to find a platform to practice my Swedish. The Swedish part of the forum is off limits, because of what you have mentioned, and on the English forum, you get babytalked to. So while it would be an ideal place to meet people who you can talk to, it's not working. So it is kind of frustrating to me. And as you said, the knowledge range is anything. But those with 0 probably don't even want to learn Swedish. But as the general assumption is that everyone is a 0, and I personally find it hard to cope with being a 0 after putting in so much work (I know it doesn't show on the results, but I am digressing). I think I also have a general disappointment about the situation as I was really happy to come to the forum, thinking that maybe one could make friends here, people to talk to, but I got some very rude wake-up calls that the world doesn't work like that.
Looking back I guess I was nearly as much upset about the fact that it was a fun game that I am not allowed to play with the cool guys again and as I felt underappreciated. It's pretty funny how desperate someone can be to find a place and fit in...
Also, I know that you are all good and nice people, not little shits like me (no irony here), and I was probably the only one getting b_tthurt here, but when you feel really bad about something for a very long time, it's really hard to bottle it up after a while. It is kind of a mazochism to read the forums and face every day how I would never fit anywhere, but I still do it. It's my own fault anyways, but I guess I'm done crying about openly now.
It is not used in an arga lappar situation tho. It's more like owning someone in a debate (disproving all their points and making them back off), than angry arguing. We have some nice phrases for those too, but most of them are not forum compliant (and probably uninteresting, and 100% off topic anyways).
Actually, let's just pretend that all of it didn't happen and play the game when you go back to being a nice and happy big family and I go back to being the stalker.
Here is my contribution to the game:
Hen in English means a female bird, or specifically a female chicken, in Swedish it's a genderneutral pronoun.
I like your style. I think we would get along would we happen to meet. I see your point with an established forum and the problem with trying to fit in but not quite making the whole distance. I, much like you, have been a member for quite a while but I've never really been active until lately. After the release of tigerdrottninen I've become more active and yes, it is hard to come in as someone who hasn't written anything really, amongs people who seem to know eachother more or less on a personal level. But I do feel welcome and I think the unease I feel, writing, stems from myself and my own insecureties.
Anywho, I read your earlier swedish comment and hadn't I known you to not be a native speaker (or writer of you will) you could've fooled me anytime. Having lived abroad from sweden for the last 15 years myself I can also relate to your problem with not being able to train swedish in everyday situations. If I'd speak swedish as my mother's tongue I don't imagine it'd be a problem but having learned it at a later point in life it seems I keep forgetting stuff all the time, that my active vocabulary diminishes as time passes.
I haven't been hanging out here on the english part of the forum since that's not my native language either. I actually don't know where I'm trying to get with all this that I'm writing, but I guess I'm urging you not to apologise for who you are and if you feel like writing on the swedish forum, just do it damn the consequences.
EDIT: I've never noticed that Hauzzer is non-Swedish as I remember.
Talking about fitting in, that's an interesting topic. But to stay on topic I will include a few Swedish words now and then. In general I would agree with Reinas notion that people are friendly (see frändskap) on this forum. However, nowadays when little happens here apart from the personal stuff in the Månadens skräptråd I would rather switch to the foreign section which obviously has more interesting discussions and less bulldeg (sorry Swedish guys!). To spent time communicating with people who I have never met, there's must be something in it for me, and then I feel that some controversy such as the one with jazzpurist is much more exciting than exchanging kind words to each other in the skräptråd. As you wrote it feels a bit tight (tajt works in Swedish too although I'm unsure how one would spell it) in there in the way that some people know each other well and writing a post (inlägg) doesn't imply (implicera is very formal) that anyone will respond. But I'm sure that everyone enjoys to get responses on their posts so if someone wants to become part of the skräpen frändskap it's just a question of giving some care á la Hulda and you will be quite popular (not that I have the positive energy to be as nice as her).
As you can see I'm not directing this inlägg to anyone in particular and I guess that's a bad choice if I really want to exchange ideas with people. There's also an aspect of length; sometimes I get the inspiration to write a lot of non-bullshit (as I see it), but I can understand that it takes some interest (intresse), inspiration and effort for others to respond properly (propert actually means well-dressed). Therefore thoroughness (grundlighet) can frighten away people sometimes.
Talking about the Swe word hen some swedes do not like it for some strange reasons. Personally I find two other things more annoying among Swede's mistakes in Swedish so just by avoiding these you will earn my respect:
- they and them are mostly used properly in English but because de and dem are pronounced dom in both cases it seems to become very difficult...
- särskrivning is a well known phenomenon which must be rare in English since you always särskriver
(I don't understand how this can be so hard so I get annoyed to an extent which makes no sense)
To summarise, swedes also make mistakes so the language should not be the reason for you great foreigners to avoid the Swe part of the forum. It's actually interesting to see which kind of mistakes (misstag) you do (as long as you do not särskriva) to get an idea of what is difficult in Swedish.
I'm starting to reach the trap (trappa means stairs) of lengthiness now so I'll better stop. In fact the forum works badly on android with long messages too.
Sorry that I didn't respond specifically to your posts. Sometimes you just feel like writing something somewhat unrelated.
(similar words with the same meaning were included for the 5% guys)
Senast redigerat av namokab den 2014-09-25 klockan 08:02.
När ni äntligen kan se vem som drar i alla trådar
Så blir ni aldrig rädda mer
När ni äntligen kan se kejsaren stå naken
Så vänder allt igen
Jag går ensam genom mörkret
I think the reason most non-swedes join this (english part) forum is that they have discovered kent's music, and have no one else to discuss it with. So whenever I see a new name, I like to say "hello & welcome" to them. They may never post again, or only a few more posts, or end up joining in all the time and contributing much to the forum. I at least like to feel that someone has noticed them. But way back before I joined, even I looked in at this english part of the forum and all these people (most aren't even here anymore) were all chatting away, and I wondered "should I even join, they all look quite pally* with each other?" BUT you have to jump in and be brave and contribute. For some, it may not work in the Swedish section (I too have posted a few times in there, sometimes it's been ignored, sometimes I get replies. Most of the time it moves too fast for me to keep up if the topic is current & lots of people are posting at once). But here's the wierd thing, on Twitter, I followed a few people who I knew were members of this forum, I hadn't even had much (or any) forum interaction with them, but I wanted some kent people in my timeline- because I wanted some kent-minded folk to chat to especially when albums are about to be/just released. And do you know what? It worked, they're lovely people, and I have an interaction with at least one of them most days. We don't always chat kent, but maybe post a photo, or mention something we've done, and before you know it, we're having a conversation! I'm not saying the Twitter is the answer, but people who might seem 'tajt' on here can also be very welcoming too.
And to keep it on the learning topic:
Bra in english is ladies underwear, but bra in Swedish means good. In fact, we have (almost) the same word & exactly the same meaning in Scottish, braw (and this is how the Swedes pronounce it too!). A BH (pronounced 'bee-hoa') (bröstholdare) is a Swedish ladies underwear
Fart, well I think we all know what that means in english (!), but fart in Swedish means speed (fullfart = full speed), and from this you can also have infart- entrance and utfart -exit. A fart in Swedish is prutt.
Far is a long distance in english, but is your father in Swedish. Your farfar is your fathers' father (paternal grandfather)
*pally- possibly exclusively a scottish word meaning friendly, tight, close. It stems from pal, I guess.
Senast redigerat av stjärnor den 2014-09-25 klockan 10:43.
"Kärt barn har många namn"
Dear child has many names.
Prutt, fis, mök, brakare, smygare, m.fl.
Surprise poopie (you're not even at the toilet cause you think you're going to fart but oops...) has no special expression in Swedish though.
Great avatar, stjärnor.
(The most difficult word to pronounce?)
Senast redigerat av namokab den 2014-09-25 klockan 14:05.
När ni äntligen kan se vem som drar i alla trådar
Så blir ni aldrig rädda mer
När ni äntligen kan se kejsaren stå naken
Så vänder allt igen
Jag går ensam genom mörkret