AND it has Kent's logo on it.
Hello SirNoodle, welcome. Lovely to see more new people here!
Right, I have a pencil & paper in front of me and I'm sitting down to try and read the lyrics and translate them. Excited!
I probably won't read the press reviews, I want to form my own opinion of the songs.
Anyway, I'm off to translate, will be back soon, I hope!
Alright, I gave it a try. It's probably not very grammatically accurate, but pretty much straight forward.
I am the hand that holds the flag
I am the pick-pocket at the central station
I am the bomb in the terminals
in the bag left behind
I am the first cold rains
I am the frost where nothing grows
I am six months of darkness
in the country God forgot
I am teargas in the purse
I am part of the Rave-commission*
The racial politics
I am the suicide statistics
I am the countryside the Rohypnol**
I am the jealousy the Alcohol
I am the quick sms mortgages
I am the taunting in the schoolyard
All for all, one for one, and so we start over again
I am the fog at the memorial
the wind on the bridge across the canal
I am the suspicious neighbour
fucking finns, norwegians, danes
I am the knife in the inner pocket
I am all the weapons we exported
I am the soldiers by the villages
I am the mines
I no longer vote in elections
I am the Eurovision Song Contest***
I am those who get burnt out
I am those who walk through the window glass
I live in the largest city
I give money to Rädda Barnen****
& my computer is filled with pictures
that should never have been taken
I am the hand that rocks the cradle
I am the state and the capital
I am the safety manual
Anonymous comments
I am the online bullying
I am the BigMac you eat
I am Mosques Cathedrals
I am the Bible and the Quran
All for all
One for one...
* "Youth Section" of the Stockholm police force, created as a reaction to rave club Docklands 1995-2002, to deal with youth drug use. Google "ravekommissionen".
** "Glesbygden" would rather translate to "sparsley populated area".
*** "Melodifestivalen" is the Swedish version/part of the qualification to the ESC, where Sweden picks a song to represent them at the ESC.
**** "Rädda Barnen", Swedish name for the Save The Children Fund.
Senast redigerat av Fast Forward den 2014-03-10 klockan 15:07.
Du log genom fräknarna
med tårar i ögonen
Allt fanns i ögonen
Allt finns i ögonen
Ok, that didn't seem to tricky, I'll put the Swedish first , for reference. There might be one or 2 small errors, but I'll be happy to correct if anyone points them out.
La Belle Epoque
Jag är handen som håller flaggan
Jag är ficktjuven i Centralen
Jag är Bomben i terminalen
i väskan som lämnats kvar
Jag är de första kalla regnen
Jag är frosten där ingen växter
Jag är halvåret av morker
i landet som gud glömde
Jag är tårgas i handväskan
Jag är med: Ravekommissionen
Den Framlingsfientliga politken
Jag är självmordetsstastiken
Jag är glesbygden Rohypnolen
Jag är svartsjukan Alkoholen
Jag är de snabba SMS-lånen
Jag är drevet i skolgården
Alla för alla, en för en, så börja vi om igen
Jag är Dimmen i minneslunden
vinden på bron öven sundet
Jag är den misstäsksamma grannan
Jävla finnar, norrmän, danskar
Jag är knivan i innerfickan
Jag är alla vapen vi exporterat
Jag är soldaterna vid byarna
Jag är minorna
Jag röster inte längre i välet
Jag är melodifestivalen
Jag är dom som går i väggen
Jag är dom som går genom rutan
Jag bor i den största staden
Jag skänkar pengar till Rädda Barnen
& mina dator är full av bilderna
som aldrig borde tagits
Jag är hander som gungar vaggan
Jag är staten & kapitalet
Jag är säkerhetsmanualen
Anonyma kommentarer
Jag är mobbningar på nättet
Jag är BigMacen du äter
Jag är moskeer katedraler
Jag är Bibeln & koranen
Alla för alla
En för en...
I am the hand which holds the flag
I am the pick pocket in Centralen
I am the Bomb in the terminals
in the bag which is left behind
I am the first cold rain
I am the frost where nothing grows
I am the half year of darkness
in the land which God forgot
I am the tear gas in the hand bag
I am with: Ravekommissionen
the xenophobic politics
I am the suicide statistics
I am the sparsely populated Rohynol
I am the jealous alcoholic
I am the quick SMS loan
I am the gears in the school yard
All for all, one for one, so we begin again
I am the mist in the memorial garden
the wind on the ridge over the sound
I am the suspicious neighbour
Bloody Finns, Norwegains, Danes
I am the knife in the inside pocket
I am all the weapons we exported
I am the soldiers by the villages
I am the mines
I no longer vote in elections
I am Melodifestivalen
I am those who walk in the walls
I am those who walk through the square
I live in the largest city
I send money to Save the Children
& my computer is full of pictures
which never should have been taken
I am the hand which rocks the cradle
I am the state & the capital
I am the safety manual
Anonymous comments
I am the bullying on the net
I am the Big Mac you eat
I am the mosques, cathedrals
I am the bible & the koran
All for all
one for one
Ah, I seem to have been beaten to it by Fast Forward.
Senast redigerat av stjärnor den 2014-03-10 klockan 15:35.
Wow, thank you both for translations! I really like it when Kent gets political, Det Finns Inga Ord for example has some of my all time favourite lyrics. I'm not from Scandinavia (not a "jävla" finn, norweigan or dane), yet I can always relate to their political lyrics. At first when I heard that there are lines "I am the half year of darkness / in the land which God forgot" I thought it's gonna be a bit like darker version of Petroleum (lyrically something between that and Max 500), but now I see the lyrics are not mystic at all. All in all, I'm really excited and honestly don't know what to expect anymore - which, I'm sure, is exactly how Kent wants us to be.
I would say (prior to actually hearing the song, a bit premature on my behalf maybe) that to keep the atmosphere/mood in the song, "i landet som Gud glömde" should be something more like "in the land forsaken by god".
Stäng din dörr, vi har någonting att reda ut.
Why not: ''in the godforsaken land''?
Cool song yerrrrr! Love it! Can't wait for the album...![]()
Senast redigerat av .namnlös den 2014-03-11 klockan 22:54.
It is impossible to do Joakims lyrics to "La belle epoque" full justice translated into English but this is my attempt:
WOW. You never know what to expect from the boys! Never! Totally different from 999, Gamla Ullevi e Tontarna. Not immediate but it is definitely a grower. I like Jocke's "elektronik" voice (which now explains why the lettering of LBH is so Kraftwerk!) and how it changes in the chorus. Very political, I love the "Jag är BigMacen du äter
Jag är moskeer katedraler, Jag är Bibeln & koranen". Magic! Bring on the album and tour!
That's what a bit of double tracking does for you!