Godhet - Goodness
J: The first day in my life
You burst open the door, stormed in
like a flashbang of goodness
B: And I remember so well when I saw you the first time
You wrote songs
You were pathetic when I saw you
Exactly like your songs
J: So I tried with the truth
Something made me be straight with you
So I just lied about small details
like my age and my name
B: I remember so well when I saw you
J: I broke in to heaven
Heard the echo from your heartbeat
A stalker against an angel
B: To forgive your sins was a mistake
A mistake
J: I broke in to heaven
to steal your tears
B: Everything we do has consquences, so be aware of who you hurt
B&J: If I could just fill my heart with goodness
B: I remember the first time I saw you
Your ego obscured the sun
J: The first day in my life ended
Everything looked so dark, you were the light
but it began to resemble complacency
B: and I remember so well what I said to you that time, last time
J: You saw the terror in my face
You swept it away with a smile
You say
B: Everything I do, I do of pure goodness
J: Your political correct goodness
B: I remember the last time I saw you
J: I broke in to heaven
Heard the echo from your heartbeat
A stalker against an angel
To forgive my sins was a mistake
A mistake
B: I am no damn angel
and you are first against the wall
like a warning example
An example for new generations
of what happens when you don't believe in goodness
and I am glad it is over
J: I broke in to heaven
Followed the echo from your heartbeat
A stalker against an angel
B: to allow your sins was a mistake
A mistake
J: I broke into the sky
To steal your tears
B: Everything we do has consequences
so be aware of who you hurt
B & J: If I could just fill my heart with goodness
J: J.Berg
B: Beatrice Eli