I love the idea that United Stage did. It's a minor thing to do but sweet to fit the surroundings without putting something huge and awkward to ruin the views of beautiful nature.
And here I would recommend 7-zip, another compress tool and it's free with almost same features that winrar has, just another tip and hope you can solve the problem soon!
And thanks again for another review jazzpurist. Ruta 1 is also my most favorite track out of the new album. Too bad they didn't play this song at the warm-up tour... And I totally , totally understand the fan girl mode thing. It feels kind of depressing I can't share my excitements with my friends after seeing the warm-up shows in May cos it's hard for me to find one with me to have a 10 more hour flight from Taiwan to Sweden to attend kent shows (Well it's my main event out of the spring trip lol)
And the photos! thanks for everyone's sharing. Btw I thought taking photos at concerts is okay in the Europe, so it seems not... Then really have to thanks for kent's kindness that they won't do such things like that!
Oh and that facebook link has set privacy as public (just found you have been to almost same attractions I've been to this spring, more heat than light!) , so maybe it looks like people have to login their facebook account to view this page.