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Ämne: Tillbaka Till Samtiden Info/Reviews

  1. #46


    Ah, one of the greatest mysteries in life. Some say that it's their own fault partly for not being better known outside of Scandinavia.

    You're right though, they have improved, kent (debut) was very mediocre, Verkligen was a bit better, with Isola it picked up, Hagnesta Hill was amazing, Vapen Och Ammunition was unique and good although I wish that Hur Jag Flick... and Duett were a bit shorter and they didn't mess Elite up by putting that stupid gospel singing in it, Du Och Jag Doden was a really strong album, some really hit songs on that, and Tillbaka Till Samtiden is really cool. Maybe it is their best work, who knows, it just lacks stand out tracks but other than that, it doesn't have any weak points. I even like Somnen now, it's sort of a bridge to the rest of the album and I've gotten used to the drumming in the last song.

    Btw, you can buy their album for like $1 - 2.50 US from some sites like that site or some more updated one but it's nicer to get the actual physical album obviously. By the way, has anyone in North America had the album arrive yet? I'm still waiting.

  2. #47
    May 2007


    Am I the only one not digging this album so far? I have given it several listens. I would analyze kent's progression over the years relating to this album but I didn't like Vapen when I first listened to it, but now Vapen is my favorite album by them. Ill have to give it many more listens before I bash this album.

  3. #48
    Sep 2007
    Tokyo, Japan


    Citat Ursprungligen postat av trickster Visa inlägg
    Where did you order it from
    cdon or bengans?
    I ordered from, album cost 14 EUR but shipping to Japan cost another 10 EUR. Just got it today, it arrived yesterday but was sent as registered mail and I was not at home to receive it so I rescheduled for a delivery today.

    Just listening to it now, 2nd song now. Sounds good so far

    Direct link to item:
    Senast redigerat av kannisto den 2007-10-17 klockan 11:16.

  4. #49
    Moderator utomjordings avatar
    Dec 2002
    34 881


    Citat Ursprungligen postat av SportfreundeFCkeane Visa inlägg
    You're right though, they have improved, kent (debut) was very mediocre, Verkligen was a bit better, with Isola it picked up, Hagnesta Hill was amazing,
    I think you have to put each record in its context. I assume you didn't listen to the debut album in 1995? If you did, you would probably not say it was very mediocre. The kind of music Kent does in 2007 would not have worked in 1995, and the music they did then would not work now.

    When Kent and Verkligen were released they were more or less considered to be masterpieces. Above all, they represented something new on the Swedish music scene. Not that I listened to Kent in 95-96, I just heard a song or two on the radio. My first Kent album was Isola. But I don't think it's fair to say that the first album was very mediocre. Some people still think it's their greatest moment.
    Låt dom komma nu

  5. #50
    Medlem candersons avatar
    Nov 2005
    Albuquerque, New Mexico USA


    Citat Ursprungligen postat av utomjording Visa inlägg
    I think you have to put each record in its context. I assume you didn't listen to the debut album in 1995? If you did, you would probably not say it was very mediocre. The kind of music Kent does in 2007 would not have worked in 1995, and the music they did then would not work now.
    I would have to agree with you also Utomjording. I just got the debut album a few months back and I think it's great. In 1995 I was just out of college and hearing this music for the first time reminds me quite a bit of the music that was around in that period so I conversely, fell in love with it. It reminds me a great deal of the alt rock that was so popular, the sounds were different and what was being sung about was also different. I particularly like that Stenbrott song; which i've mentioned before.

    But I understand that maybe that style of music isn't everyone's favorite. I am still waiting to hear Tillbaka till Samtiden, my damn cd hasn't left yet! I am in love with Ingenting though.
    Sju sjösjuka sjömän sköttes av sjuttisju sköna sjuksköterskor på det sjunkande skeppet Shanghai.

  6. #51
    Medlem candersons avatar
    Nov 2005
    Albuquerque, New Mexico USA


    Citat Ursprungligen postat av SportfreundeFCkeane Visa inlägg
    By the way, has anyone in North America had the album arrive yet? I'm still waiting.
    Nope, still waiting. From what I can tell it hasn't even been shipped.
    Sju sjösjuka sjömän sköttes av sjuttisju sköna sjuksköterskor på det sjunkande skeppet Shanghai.

  7. #52
    Erfaren medlem
    May 2007
    2 130


    The album seems to be doing great in sweden. The past week a whopping 40% of all the albums sold in Sweden were "Tillbaka till samtiden".
    The album sold double platina (minimum 80.000 copies) during the first week.

    The reviews have been mixed, but the biggest newspapers have basically all given it a four on a five grade scale.

  8. #53
    Erfaren medlem m@rcos avatar
    Sep 2005
    2 441


    Well, got my cd finally, and I really am impressed by it. A first impression in a few words, i can only say WOW, fantastic, superb.
    Citat Ursprungligen postat av snö Visa inlägg
    vilken rolig spoiler du har! jag tycker om sån't som får mitt nyfikna jag att skratta.

  9. #54
    Medlem candersons avatar
    Nov 2005
    Albuquerque, New Mexico USA


    I got a confirmation that my CD has been sent as of yesterday. Hopefully I will have it within a week or so.. Come on snail mail!!!!!!!
    Sju sjösjuka sjömän sköttes av sjuttisju sköna sjuksköterskor på det sjunkande skeppet Shanghai.

  10. #55
    Erfaren medlem m@rcos avatar
    Sep 2005
    2 441


    Citat Ursprungligen postat av canderson Visa inlägg
    I got a confirmation that my CD has been sent as of yesterday. Hopefully I will have it within a week or so.. Come on snail mail!!!!!!!
    It took too long before it arrived in my opinion, but it was worth waiting for. And it is playing, and playing, and...
    Citat Ursprungligen postat av snö Visa inlägg
    vilken rolig spoiler du har! jag tycker om sån't som får mitt nyfikna jag att skratta.

  11. #56
    Medlem candersons avatar
    Nov 2005
    Albuquerque, New Mexico USA


    Citat Ursprungligen postat av m@rco Visa inlägg
    It took too long before it arrived in my opinion, but it was worth waiting for. And it is playing, and playing, and...

    I guess I should just be happy that it did in fact get processed and shipped on the official release date. I cannot wait to hear it though. I have only heard Ingenting so far, and love it. On the Swedish side they are comparing Tillbaka till Samtiden to D&JD! I was psyched when I got that one in the mail. Looks like an early Christmas regardless
    Sju sjösjuka sjömän sköttes av sjuttisju sköna sjuksköterskor på det sjunkande skeppet Shanghai.

  12. #57
    Erfaren medlem m@rcos avatar
    Sep 2005
    2 441


    Citat Ursprungligen postat av canderson Visa inlägg
    I guess I should just be happy that it did in fact get processed and shipped on the official release date. I cannot wait to hear it though. I have only heard Ingenting so far, and love it. On the Swedish side they are comparing Tillbaka till Samtiden to D&JD! I was psyched when I got that one in the mail. Looks like an early Christmas regardless
    It's an early Christmas, yes. And the concerts haven't started yet.
    Citat Ursprungligen postat av snö Visa inlägg
    vilken rolig spoiler du har! jag tycker om sån't som får mitt nyfikna jag att skratta.

  13. #58
    Medlem sakermansers avatar
    Mar 2003
    Hagnesta Hill


    I have given the album enough listens to decide that I don't really like it. I really only like 4 of the songs ("Vy Från Ett Luftslott", "Våga Vara Rädd", "Columbus" and "Ingenting") on the album and can't really stand to listen to the rest of the songs. I'm slightly disappointed, because I am going to be travelling to Denmark in December just to see them but will not be exactly thrilled to hear the new stuff live.

    But I will still be buying the album to support them! I wanted to buy it from CDON because it has the cheapest shipping to the UK, but they are all sold out of the limited edition!!!! Does anyone know where I can get the limited edition without having to pay £10 for shipping?? I have checked Bengans, Skivhugget and Hotstuff but they are all too pricey. I am not sure if Ginza ships to the UK either because I can't read their site since it's all in Swedish. Argh.

  14. #59
    Medlem tricksters avatar
    Jul 2004
    Thessaloniki, Greece.


    Citat Ursprungligen postat av sakermanser Visa inlägg
    I have given the album enough listens to decide that I don't really like it. I really only like 4 of the songs ("Vy Från Ett Luftslott", "Våga Vara Rädd", "Columbus" and "Ingenting") on the album and can't really stand to listen to the rest of the songs. I'm slightly disappointed, because I am going to be travelling to Denmark in December just to see them but will not be exactly thrilled to hear the new stuff live.

    But I will still be buying the album to support them! I wanted to buy it from CDON because it has the cheapest shipping to the UK, but they are all sold out of the limited edition!!!! Does anyone know where I can get the limited edition without having to pay £10 for shipping?? I have checked Bengans, Skivhugget and Hotstuff but they are all too pricey. I am not sure if Ginza ships to the UK either because I can't read their site since it's all in Swedish. Argh.
    For Greece bengans was like half euro more expensive
    but I got the ltd edition nicely packaged in cardboard.
    cdon ships in padded envelope which sucks
    ett perfekt substitut

  15. #60
    May 2007


    I agree, this album is subpar. The last two albums were great, and so were ones before that. This album sounds like a poor ripoff of an 80's band. The beginning of Berlin reminds me of ladytron, I recommend, if you haven't listened to them before. No need to comment on each song individually, there are some good, some not so good. What intrigued me the most is that Kent has pretty much changed their sound from one album to the next. To me it seems that Kent thinks they are so good they can make a new sound for each album, believe it is the apex of that specific genre and move to the next. I'm all for that, Kent is confident and loaded with talent, but I think they got in over their heads with this recent album. Not that it is horrible, but I expect nothing but the best from Kent. It would be great if Kent went back to their roots for their next album and rocked out to a phenomenal sound. Although, I don't know what their roots are since every album is so different. Again, I just expected a really kick ass album, its ok though.

    The universe keeps expanding to get as far away as it can from Chuck Norris.

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