I have that effect on people.
bygg något vackert som krossar allt
It is very, very hard to scare me.
But you guys at the forum are getting pretty good these days!
I do the death stare every day. It's always directed at my mirror.
And i own only 4 scarves. My absolute favorite is an YSL-thingy in blue and white which i found at a sale in a crazy shop called Kamikaze(probably because going there is a suicide mission for your wallet) in Oslo.
I think 4 scarves is nothing unusual, since i don't wear ties very often.
OK guys... the bus is leaving from the hotel for soundcheck in Ås, Norway.
I got to slip into something more uncomfortable. Probably black jeans, black t-shirt, black low- boots and maybe to be a little crazy, a black leatherjacket and a black and grey scarf!
Love J
If you talk smack, he will come.
I wonder if anyone even sells scarves here...
bygg något vackert som krossar allt
Finally you got a Jocke post here, congrats! And I don't even have to translate that one...
Låt dom komma nu
sorry kids
jag måste tyvärr avslöja att det var ett telefonsamtal från mig som fick Jocke till att skriva det där inlägget
jag har skrivit långa inlägg här förut och förklarat mer ingående hur allt sånt här funkar men jag börjar tröttna på att vara nåt slags jävla dadda åt er på det här forumet så ni får klara er utan det den här gången
give me 8 months or 8 years and I'll understand that. You Swedes shouldn't have lessons and audio tapes up online, cos guys like me learn it and plan to hit on your girls ;-)
anyways, I'd recommend wearing a comfortable football jersey to a concert, maybe a summer festival. The Swedish one looks great. Not many bands do it, (except Sportfreunde Stiller from Germany of course)
I think all that black during a concert would be a little too warm no? I don't how hot it gets while singing, but some people are sweating like an athlete by the end of it, always amazes me how Jocke can wear all that and not sweat as much.
I have lots of scarfs unfortunately from the Canadian winter, even have a hand-knit one with the Swedish flag colours/design.
Senast redigerat av SportfreundeFCkeane den 2008-01-24 klockan 01:32.