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Vinyl News
The release dates for the vinyls have been moved slightly. Here are the new dates:
999 – 7”-vinyl – 23rd April
Jag är inte rädd för mörkret – LP-vinyl – 9th May
The Norwegian music/game/moviestore posted a "mini-review" on its website a few days ago. Here is the translation:
"The first single from the album was the grandiose opening track "999", a track that sets the tone for a album where front figure Joakim Berg and his three band buddies plays with a big and airy sound picture. "Jag är inte räddd för mörkret" is mainly characterized by vocals, shimmering guitars and keyboards with constant drumming - steady taking the album forward. The band seamlessly switch between a lethargy, almost slow (in the sense of too slow/boring - translation notice) track on "Isis & Bast" and the epic Coldplay-rock on "Jag ser dig" (I See You), and in one and the same song - "Tänd på" (Lit on/torch this) they elegantly shift between light Depeche Mode-rythms to a chorus that smells U2.
Big references - but then Kent also makes big music. This is rock in the sense of Arena rock, just as friskily capturing (Låt Dom Komma)/(Let them come) as dark
and dramatic /as the/ closing "Hänsyn" (Consideration).
(parantes)- I would have put the review in spoiler tags, just in case some people wanted to listen to the album without having read anything about the songs. And as this wasn't news from it could have went in the album thread.
What do people think of the new colour scheme? I like the olive-ish colour in the banner, I guess it's meant to reflect the gold from the album cover. I'm still so used to the forum names being in red, though.
The latest news from the site is the links that kent tweeted to the first 5 songs from the album are now on Spotify.
Big news update (details on past weeks news):
Nice work frippe! keep up the good work
Here you can follow the press conference
Tuesday at 12:00 (midday, Swedish time) is the time for Kent to hold the press conference at Berns in Stockholm. Several different media are expected to broadcast it directly from Berns and Aftonbladet have said they are to start their broadcast at 11.30. We will also broadcast a press conference here on via Bambuser.
We will update this post with broadcasts and links when the time comes. We will also collect all the links that press conference generates. Do you have a blog or similar, and are in place? Please leave a comment (with link) to this entry when you've written.
On Twitter, we use the tag #kentpress and you can follow the flow below. (see homepage for the twitter flow)
kent to play exclusive spring tour
During the spring kent will plat a small exclusive spring tour in 6 different locations in the Nordics. The tickets go on sale this friday at 9am at the usual outlets.
Kent spring tour 2012
24 May - Copenhagen (Denmark) - Vega
25 May - Oslo (Norway) - Rockefeller
26 May - Stockholm - Cirkus
30 May - Gothenburg - Trädgårn
31 May - Eskilstuna - Locomotive
2 June - Malmo - KB
Some translations from the press conference yesterday:
Yeah, me too. And I can't even consider going because my boss will be on holiday, and I'll be running the office.
Oh, and frippe, many thanks your the press conference translation!I watched it last night when I got home, but most people were talking too fast for me to catch everything that was said.
Senast redigerat av stjärnor den 2012-04-25 klockan 07:12.
I'm going to try to buy tickets to the KB show, but it's a really small venue. Will be sold out within a minute, as they announced it everywhere and a lot of people will want to go. So I bet my chances are very small, but one can always try. Would mean two kent concerts in walking distance in one summer![]()
That sounds amazing.... how I wish kent would play somewhere withing walking distance to me! (it'll never happen, still I'm willing to travel 1000 miles to see them!)
Good luck with those tickets on friday, I'll be holding my thumbs (as the swedes would say) for you!
Just a little edit to the news about the tickets for the spring tour- tickets must be paid for by card at the time of booking. There is no option to reserve and pick up & pay for the tickets from a booking agent.
Sorry, I read this news when I was off on holiday at the weekend, and totally forgot to post here about it.
Buy Kent Waldersten here!
Now the book Kent Waldersten is in all shops so it should be ordered is you don’t want to miss this magnificent work.
If you ender the discount code ‘kent' at Bokia, you will get free postage, and the book only costs 299kr.
The same price applies at Bokus if you like the store better.
(please note that while Bokus deliver outside sweden, I don’t know their postage costs, and Bokia don’t post outside Sweden)
Live video for Jag ser dig now up at